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Starter: Hemi Posted: 20 years ago Views: 733
Lvl 19
What is this fag's job title?
Lvl 13
lol lol lol That was damn funny. Sorry I didnt post quicker.
Lvl 12
h its fo sho "fudgepacker"

Lvl 12
how much does he get payed ?
Lvl 12
He doesn't get paid with cash, he gets paid just by doing his job. Packing fudge :P
Lvl 16
Does he live in Green Bay? oh shit, that might start a war!
Lvl 15
"Packing Fudge" never heard it before but it makes som (well disgusting) sense

Lvl 19
Dagon: Never heard of it? Sounds like that is is an American term unknown over theRRe in Euroland.

Fudgepacker: Homosexual buttphucker. Oh well! My bad.
Lvl 12
Could be Green Bay crue, but seems more like San Fransisco.
Lvl 15
Hemi: yea i got that after a while

I first looked at the pic and thought... "so... he's packing... Reads: Fudge..." then i read some and realised he was packing Fudge...

in sweden that wuld be similair to Packa Skit.

Pack some shit...

Oh well... im not into "Fudge" anyway so...
Lvl 16
yeah no1butme, but green Bay Fudge Packers has such a nice ring to it...although I don't have much use for that team from SF either....or Dallas, or Denver or Pittsburgh...but , hey, thats part of being a Browns fan (it's not always easy either)
Lvl 13
Funny fucking pic Hemi....

crue you think its hard being a Browns fan,you should see what its like being a Saints fan...PURE HELL but i'll stick with them till the end...
Lvl 16
dude, it is Hard......Deuce Macallaster is DA MAN!!!
Lvl 12
Fudge packer, eh? I've never heard that one before.
Here are the ones I've heard: flamers, faggots, backside rangers, pole smokers, fruit cakes, and dykes.
* This post has been modified : 20 years ago
Lvl 16
lest we not forget butt-dart