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Insult the poster above you . Vol-18ish?

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 16 years ago Views: 10.5K
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^^^^ Fucked 70 Elk's
^ His girfriend's clitoris is larger than his dick, so she fucks him the ass.
* This post has been modified : 2 years ago
Lvl 10
^^^ Is his girlfriend
When he was born the doctors discarded the dead fetus and his parents raised the afterbirth.
Lvl 6
^^^Likes Mel Tormé

Originally posted by Xandar

^^^^ Fucked 70 Elk

You've never fucked me
Lvl 10
^^^^ Never been kissed, fucked or even liked!
Lvl 6
^Is interested in animal sex.
Lvl 10
^^^ his religion is animal sex
^ Responded to the "Get Laid Tonight" add and went on a date with a 6'-4" male transvestite who ended up sodomizing him with his nine inch dick.
Lvl 10
^^As you can see, Intro can't spell and can't insult either.
Lvl 10
^^shows interest in 6'4" male trannie with a 9inch dick sodomizing him.
Lvl 3
^^ Likes to have his uncle dress as a hispanic muslim taxi driving trainspoting enthusiast and jerk him off while he sings the canadian national anthem to the tune of the Fresh Prince song............................... ....... sicko
Lvl 10
^^^ scares me
Lvl 8
You are selfish little brat, you want to be center of attention but it will never happen. Your dreams will never come true.
- The Devil.
Lvl 10
^^^ seriously scaring me!
Lvl 59
^ Turns around, looks in the bowl and inspects his turds after taking a poo
Lvl 6
Originally posted by EricLindros

^ Turns around, looks in the bowl and inspects his turds after taking a poo

^Likes the way his turds look and feels they are an accomplishment.
Lvl 59
^ thinks that liking the way my turds look and feeling a sense of accomplishment about them is an insult, when actually it is a badge of honor. or honour if you're from England or some shit.
Lvl 6
^ Thinks adding an international flair to a thread about insults makes him sound intelligent.
^ Is so stupid he thinks Idaho is a term in Ebonics meaning "I'm a prostitute".
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