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Do you eat sushi ?

Starter: Howzit99 Posted: 20 years ago Views: 901
Lvl 13
Want some sushi ( this is gross )
Lvl 13
I dont get it!
Lvl 13
Sorry can not attach will try again later
Lvl 13
I only started eating sushi this year and love(d)it.How about you guys ??
Well first check this out :
A Mr.Shota Fujiwara from Gifu Perfecture loves his sashimi and sushi "alive and fresh "
He developed severe headaches and migraines but put it of as stress from work.It was only after he started losing his physco-motor skills that he sought medical help.Brain scan and x-ray revealed nothing .The doctor did local and cut his scalp and tapeworms came out ! Major surgery was arranged :Tapeworms , roundworms and their eggs which bound in all fish ,fresh or saltwater,can only be killed by thorough cooking and /or freezing the fish to between -4deg C - 0deg C .
Lvl 13
i don't mind sushi if it's cooked right.
Lvl 17
Ive seen worse than that
Lvl 12
I dont now why but i dont like sushi.
Lvl 14
please.. no pics like that.
Lvl 12
I can't see foto
Lvl 21
yeah me neither!! i cant see or download half the links posted lately!!!
Lvl 21
btw LOVE sushi! not sure how put off id be with one freak accident
Lvl 14
I don't like sushi, I prefer "Cebiche" (typical food from Perú