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Cool Perspective Trick [PIC]

Starter: WhiteAndBlue Posted: 14 years ago Views: 718
Lvl 7
Lvl 28
Why does that woman look so small?!

That is neatish though...
* This post has been modified : 14 years ago
Lvl 25
woow looks cool! thanks for sharing!
I think it has to do with her legs being crossed in one photo and not crossed in the other.

Lvl 21
the camera man just moved. changed the angel
Lvl 18
Yeah steel's right. She's in the back of the room and she probably is a pretty short lady anyway, it's just the angle in the first pic makes her look like she's right in front of the guy. Has nothing to do with her legs.
Lvl 26
It's obvious, the woman is a pixie and he is the evil woodland troll....... or, maybe it's just the drink that's talking
Lvl 8
yep, it's just an angle change.. but still pretty neat though