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Big Day at the Farm (Warning: Beastiality) - Narrated by the Chick Involved.

Starter: EricLindros Posted: 15 years ago Views: 2.5K
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Lvl 59
It all began when passions erupted between Tad and I amidst the bales of hay.

Lvl 59
Our sex session, inflamed by the unique backdrop to our romantic conquest, couldn’t be contained by just the barn.

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This was the culmination of months of flirtation and courtship. We didn’t care who was watching us, man or well-behaved beast.

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Lust was in the air, laid on so thickly that even the animals couldn’t avoid being sucked in.

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There was so much love-making going on that I insisted Tad and I take a break to view the animals during their torrid sessions. It was unbeliebably impressive.

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So impressive that, overcome with sexual excitement stemming from years of repression finally being unleashed upon the barnyard, I needed to feel what they did.

Lvl 59
I could tell by the smile on his face that Tad like the idea too. The sheep didn’t seem to mind either. But, ah, for the main course…

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I prepared the stallion, his girthy love-sword swelling to previously unseen heights. I had never been so turned on in my life, every fantasy I’ve ever had come to pass in one magical evening.

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Tad was thrust into the air by the stallion’s mighty member. I think I even saw Tad cry a tear of joy as the stallion wore him like an ill-fitting condom.

Lvl 59
Delirious from a night of unending pleasure and unable to sit down in proper driving position, Tad was killed when he overturned his tractor. I still miss him every day. But I will forever take with me the memories we shared. Plus, the stallion does a good job filling in. *wink*

Lvl 24
that was so hot, i totally masturbating while looking at the steamy pictures.
Lvl 14
Lvl 28
I came.

Lvl 37
Smokin' in the barn!

Damn Fisher-Price always makes me so horny.
Lvl 15
Lvl 11
you where very bored
Lvl 10
Best. Thread. Ever.

You need:
a lot of psychological help
a review of your current medication - you are either on too little or too much
a visit with Dr. Phil and/or Oprah and/or Jerry Springer
a hobby
a NEW hobby
a visit to Neverland Ranch
a job offer with this great talent.

Lvl 22
or, someone take away his camera.


edit: hey EL, do you mind if i add some green soda pr0n from devilhair's thread in 2004?
Lvl 5
FunniE warped sense of humour
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