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Americas dummest criminals..with regular updates

Starter: waywardson Posted: 13 years ago Views: 747
Lvl 21
Detective Chris Stewart of the Brunswick (Georgia) Police Department told about a robbery suspect he transported back to the scene of the crime for a positive ID: He had gotten a call that a woman had her purse stolen from a shopping center. A short time later he saw a man who fit the description,so we picked him up and took him back to the scene of the crime.
Stewart explained to the suspect that they were going to take him back to the scene and that when they arrived he was to exit the vehicle and face the victim for a positive ID. The man in custody heard this when the detective radioed ahead to the officer with the victim. Stewart said he had a man in custody who fit her description of the robber and they would be arriving shortly.
When they arrived at the scene, the suspect did exactly as he had been told. He stepped from the car and looked up at the victim. And before anyone could say anything he blurted out "Yeah, that's her...that's the women I robbed."
Lvl 30
Good one. Keep them coming pls. 5 *****
Lvl 27
Seems even criminals all want to be first
Sounds like a first offence
Lvl 22
Keep up the good work Wayward. 5 *****
Lvl 21
It was a classic case of love gone wrong in Indiana. Boy meets girl. Boy falls in love. Girl doesn't.
In this case she really did try to let him down easy,but he was distraught. He was fuming as he barreled out of her kitchen door and into the night.
The broken hearted Romeo staggered through the fields in the throes of lovers angst. Then he saw his weapon, seized it, and started back into his girlfriends house.
In a rage, Romeo returned and chased the girl around the kitchen with a large snapping turtle. He was much faster and he easily caught her in the small kitchen, but he couldn't get the turtle to bite her. Finally the girl managed to call the police. The officers arrived disarmed (deturtled) the irate lover, and arrested him for assault with a reptile.
The incident marked the definite end of one relationship, but the beginning of another. Juliet thought the big turtle was cute and she was ever so grateful that he hadn't bitten her. The girl and the turtle are still together and living happily in Pennsylvania. (according to the policeman who told the story.)
Lvl 27
I love new and unique weapons
Lvl 21
Research has shown not only are some criminals dumb but also they use some fairly weird weapons. Some of the oddest weapons used,(besides a turtle): an index finger (classic), an egg, a bowling ball, a wedge of cheese, an artificial leg,a twenty pound turkey, a hot fudge sundae, a banana, a frozen sausage, a lit cigarette, a one and a half pound chihuahua, an insect, a snake, and a toilet seat..I can just imagine,"give me your money or I'll cut the cheese.
Lvl 27
Hrmmmm Limburger...
Lvl 21
Officer Glen Biggs of the Knoxville TN. Police Dept. had a close encounter of the dumb criminal kind when he was booking a suspect on a narcotics violation. A simple transcript of the interrogation tells it all.
Biggs: What is your D.O.B.?
Dumb Criminal:Whats a DO.B. man
Biggs: When is your birthday?
Dumb Criminal: May 5th
Biggs: What year?
Dumb Criminal: Every year,man
Lvl 27
Yes officer I have tried the narcotics of which you speak
Lvl 6
keep em coming 5**
Lvl 22
I can only rate 5 one time. I hope everyone will do the same