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Adult Science Quiz

Starter: SydneySinbad Posted: 10 years ago Views: 3.3K
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Lvl 30
Here's a quiz on how much science adults know.
Only 7% of the adult population gets all 13 questions correct.
See how you do; Click on link below:
F1098 finds this awesome.
Take that yo face.

SydneySinbad, F1098 find this awesome.
Lvl 16
i got 1 wrong damn it! I can't believe it. So close.
Lvl 16
Nice Job!!! Girls are smarter than boys. I've always accepted this.

Originally posted by Sugarpie
Take that yo face.

SydneySinbad, [Deleted], F1098, livinginthefreeworld find this awesome.
Lvl 14
got 2 wrong
Lvl 19
Got all 13 right. Girls do rock !

In a more perfect world, members of Congress would have to prove scientific literacy before their swearing in. Believe me, it would be an entirely different Washington if this were so !!!
SydneySinbad finds this awesome.
Lvl 19
Originally posted by vinnybagofdonuts
Nice Job!!! Girls are smarter than boys. I've always accepted this.


Very well said. When it comes to fixing mechanical stuff, fixing stuff, working on cars the guys rock it!

Got 10 of 13.
* This post has been modified : 10 years ago
Lvl 18
I missed The one about the atmospheres gas.
Lvl 20
What a crock. answered #11 correctly and it said I got it wrong. This thread should be removed because it is inaccurate. Typical left wing Liberal test. Change the results to make your agenda look good.
Lvl 20
before being elected. members of the congress and the senate should swear that they will work for their constituents and not their party who has only one thing on their mind. That is called money. It is a disgrace that our representatives and Senators are more concerned about their wallets then what happens to the people they represent
Originally posted by F1098
Got all 13 right. Girls do rock !

In a more perfect world, members of Congress would have to prove scientific literacy before their swearing in. Believe me, it would be an entirely different Washington if this were so !!!
BillK finds this awesome.
Lvl 20
I agree that our representatives should take a test. But, does it have to be scientific? Or can it be common sense?
BillK finds this awesome.
Lvl 20
God I hate politics. Why can't people read the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence for what it is and not change it to meet their political party views. If a person would read those 2 documents as is. They would realize how bad the American Political Party system is or can be.
Lvl 20
Sorry that I am on a rant folks. I have served the United States for 29 years and just get really aggravated at laziness, stupidity, or just straight ignorance.
Lvl 4
13/13. Not bad considering I'm in the HS or less education demographic, although I'll admit two or three were a bit of a shot in the dark.
SydneySinbad finds this awesome.
Lvl 19
My comment was directed ONLY at scientific literacy. If we can get that as normal cultural value I will be pleased.

And stop trying to de-rail the thread. This is not about your interpretation of the constitution or anything else so stop the political crap.

Originally posted by 6sarge
I agree that our representatives should take a test. But, does it have to be scientific? Or can it be common sense?
SydneySinbad finds this awesome.
Lvl 19
Your response proves that you have no common sense or courtesy. The thread is a bout scientific literacy.

Originally posted by 6sarge
I agree that our representatives should take a test. But, does it have to be scientific? Or can it be common sense?
SydneySinbad finds this awesome.
Lvl 20
I have followed you for a long time. I am not talking Politics at all. I would love to see normalcy just like you. We will never see it happen. If you read the test for what it is. Straight Eco-Politics. Nothing about what the PEOPLE believe. Sorry if I upset you. Had a few too many beers tonight and have let my service to this country take over. Have a nice weekend all.
Originally posted by F1098
My comment was directed ONLY at scientific literacy. If we can get that as normal cultural value I will be pleased.

And stop trying to de-rail the thread. This is not about your interpretation of the constitution or anything else so stop the political crap.

Lvl 59
Originally posted by EricLindros

Lvl 15
13/13, not that hard imo. Especially with a test that gives 50/50 answers etc.
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