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Would be nice

Starter: ade_au Posted: 20 years ago Views: 481
Lvl 12
Would be nice to see the ranking I gave each pic along with the current average on pages such as Top of the Babes, since I often cant remember if I voted on a pic or not.

Lvl 12
Dear god in heaven no! somtimes i go on a massive voting spree by giving 10's
to ugly bitches just to mess with you all..

i cant imagine the embarresment if my friends should ever see my votes by accident whilst browsing WBW from my pc..
Lvl 16
besides that, a pic which you rated, can not be rated again
Lvl 12
My point is more that, when I check the top 20, I need to go to each pic individually to check if I have voted on it yet.

If not putting the actual vote on, perhaps the pic could just be flagged as already being rated.
Lvl 19
Not a bad idea ade_au, however Alzheimer disease may the more immediate concern for you.
Dix-Z I'm with ade_au, good suggestion for the 16,000 plus uploads.
What a sarcastic bastard... I love this guy!
Lvl 25
I have added the feature you requested! If anything else let me know!