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WBW V5.1 -> Bugs & Feature requests!

Starter: Diz-X Posted: 17 years ago Views: 12.4K
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Lvl 59
Also, in the news section, when you click on the source link for the news article it should open up in a new tab. Currently it doesn't open up in a new tab (at least on Firefox) and just forwards you off of WBW and onto the source page.
Lvl 13
Search isn't working for me guys. It just comes back with No Topics Found. Is it offline at the minute?

I'm on FeFe using Maxthon v1.5.7 if any of that makes a difference.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by HipsterDufus

Search isn't working for me guys. It just comes back with No Topics Found. Is it offline at the minute?

I'm having the same problem. The search function seems to be broken right now.
Lvl 8
in the video gallery : you can't customize the number of video you want to see in one page. and since there is only one video by line, there is reall y too few videos ine one page. Also the video information aren't presented as well as the old site: the title is on the left, the image on the right, "Problems playing this movie?" appear more clearly than the title, the vote of other users don't appear anymore (there is some stars, but really when I scroll it's like I don't see them : vertical is a bad choice imho, and they only appear on some videos). those informations are important, because since it's an amateur video (pro)website, a lot of videos suck, and I want to have the most information to avoid wasting bandwith and my time.

there is a few cool things, like more image in the detailled info of a video, and the general look & feel is better, but I really prefered the old site

it's also seems that the babe gallery are better that in the old and the thumbnails are bigger (nice), but the part of the site I used the most is the video part

edit: there was some bugs in the old site that were never resolved, afaik. I hope it won't be the same for the new site
Lvl 11
You posted that same message in another thread, and I think improvements to the Babe Movie Gallery are being addressed in this thread:

Suggestion for new babemovie overview
Lvl 17
-video embedding
-search function not working
Lvl 37
Remember folks, it's not a bug, it's a feature!

I guess I'm the only one that is now happy with the new WBW? Good job, Diz, as always!
Lvl 14
I downloaded fire fox and the iste is still slow! Every time I look at a pic it has to upload over a hundred items, then I save the pic and it uploads the page again, then when I click beck to the top of the babes it had to upload everything over again. To look at one pic it takes me over a minute. What is up with that?
Lvl 13
^^^^ which fire fox do you use? maybe you have the old one? check that you have version two of fire fox and if you still having problems try a diffrent browser.
Lvl 14
Thanks. I am using fire fox 2, not working all that great, never used this browser before. I am trying to use Explorer 7 but having a hard time downloading it. Does it make a difference if I am using AOL service??????
Lvl 13
^^^^ dont know about the aol cuse id dont live in the a.

but you may want to check opera or avent browser just to name a few.

if you need further help pm and will try to get back to you soon.
Lvl 14
Man, it's AOL services that have been messing me up. If I use AOL its slow, using firefox it's fast. Thanks for the help man
Lvl 13
sure thing, glad to see you resolve your problem.
Lvl 8
Can someone please tell me how I get the search function to work??

Thank you kindly!
Lvl 23
Adult filter is not applied when clicking a non-adult image (when filter is turned on) thumbnails under that image can still be of an adult nature (and are still clickable)
Lvl 23
No numbers next to members in top members list.
Lvl 30
Only a minor issue, but I can't seem to delete my Outbox and History Records in the Private Messages. Other than that, no probs. Ty.
Lvl 14
forums search don't work!
Lvl 13
Originally posted by SydneySinbad

Only a minor issue, but I can't seem to delete my Outbox and History Records in the Private Messages. Other than that, no probs. Ty.
i have the same problem m8.

allready informed diz about it so hopefuly he will fix it sooner or later.
Lvl 8
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