A way to organize our favorites, put them in different orders and sub-folders perhaps? Rather than one giant pile of favorites, I'd like to be able to put them in directories of some type. One example is that there are about 50 pics of one of my favorite girls, but I don't want all 50 pics clogging up my main "favorites" page, so I've only got one of her. If I could put the others in a separate folder, that'd be super.
I'd also like to change them around in terms of their order, rather than having that dictated to me by the order in which they were uploaded. Yeah, I actually want to organize my shit. I'm OCD like that.
Another option I'd like to see is if we could somehow link pics together, so that... Let's say I see a pic of a girl I already have in my favorites. I could then link the two pics together by some option on the picture menu to show other users that if they like this girl, "Hey, here's another pic of her if you want it."
It'd really help with the "who's that girl" kind of stuff, especially for girls that like I said, I actually have 50 of.
Here's a primitive version of what I am talking about:
Post #15 in
this pic.
Post #4 in
this pic.
And so on.
Right now, looking through my favorites (of which there are 128 not counting dupes - yeah, I dupe hunt. It's fun. Sue me - I can see 27 pics of different girls that I KNOW FOR A FACT there are several more (sometimes many more - like 50 or more) pictures of someplace on this site, but I haven't collected them all or kept track of them all.
If we as members could link those pics together (just add it to the tag feature perhaps) that would be very cool.
Here's a better or at least different explanation of what I'm trying to say, and essentially I'd answer yes to JAWZ in post 3 if it were still open.
I also like the idea of
merging dupes instead of deleting them.
I'm also a fan of getting some sort of
Hall of Fame on the boards.
I'd also be for a more in-depth breakdown of the stat leaders for the community. So that instead of just seeing "the top 200 scores for all time at WBW" we might be able to see... The top 200 taggers. Top 200 posters. Top 200 uploaders. Top 200 thread rating (average). And so on.