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WBW :: Feature request and Bug report topic

Starter: Diz-X Posted: 15 years ago Views: 6.7K
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Lvl 25
Well it's the time of the year again, we will ask you guys/girls to let us know what you want to see on the next updates to WBW. These updates will released faster and in smaller updates then before. So request here your new features, bugs what you want to see here on WBW.

× See with every babe/movie/car if somebody else has them in their favorites.
× Topic starter can add tags to their topic.

× Movie sections "add to favorites" isn't AJAX based, as it is in car/babe section.
* This post has been modified : 15 years ago
Lvl 24
Umm... when I load a forum page, it loads, and then blanks out, I have to go and scroll the page or something for it to return to normal.

It only happens on WBW. Usually late at night-ish.

I'll screencap it when it happens next.
Lvl 18
Looking forward to being able to view the favorites option. Have you considered making it a selectable feature in the way top babes are shown?
Lvl 25
Originally posted by J-Swiss

Looking forward to being able to view the favorites option. Have you considered making it a selectable feature in the way top babes are shown?

Selectable feature?
Lvl 20
A way to organize our favorites, put them in different orders and sub-folders perhaps? Rather than one giant pile of favorites, I'd like to be able to put them in directories of some type. One example is that there are about 50 pics of one of my favorite girls, but I don't want all 50 pics clogging up my main "favorites" page, so I've only got one of her. If I could put the others in a separate folder, that'd be super.

I'd also like to change them around in terms of their order, rather than having that dictated to me by the order in which they were uploaded. Yeah, I actually want to organize my shit. I'm OCD like that.

Another option I'd like to see is if we could somehow link pics together, so that... Let's say I see a pic of a girl I already have in my favorites. I could then link the two pics together by some option on the picture menu to show other users that if they like this girl, "Hey, here's another pic of her if you want it."

It'd really help with the "who's that girl" kind of stuff, especially for girls that like I said, I actually have 50 of.

Here's a primitive version of what I am talking about:

Post #15 in this pic.
Post #4 in this pic.

And so on.

Right now, looking through my favorites (of which there are 128 not counting dupes - yeah, I dupe hunt. It's fun. Sue me - I can see 27 pics of different girls that I KNOW FOR A FACT there are several more (sometimes many more - like 50 or more) pictures of someplace on this site, but I haven't collected them all or kept track of them all.

If we as members could link those pics together (just add it to the tag feature perhaps) that would be very cool. Here's a better or at least different explanation of what I'm trying to say, and essentially I'd answer yes to JAWZ in post 3 if it were still open.

I also like the idea of merging dupes instead of deleting them.

I'm also a fan of getting some sort of Hall of Fame on the boards.

I'd also be for a more in-depth breakdown of the stat leaders for the community. So that instead of just seeing "the top 200 scores for all time at WBW" we might be able to see... The top 200 taggers. Top 200 posters. Top 200 uploaders. Top 200 thread rating (average). And so on.
Lvl 24

Can we go and not have the "share" button?
It's an awful feature...
Lvl 33
When looking at a whole page of photo's I'd like to be able to tell which ones I have already rated without having to open it. It takes forever to find where I left off.
Also I agee, the share button is a pain or at least make it so you have to click it to open it.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Bangledesh


Can we go and not have the "share" button?
It's an awful feature...

Bangs is smart.
Lvl 20
What the Hell share button are you talking about?
Lvl 26
I think tagging photos should be a requirement for the person who uploads the photo. I realize you don't want to slow down the process for uploading anymore but maybe once a photo gets uploaded and approved, it doesn't become visible to anyone else until it has at least 3 or 4 tags on it or just add a add tags button to the upload page and don't approve any photos without tags. That could be a pain in the ass for people like me who upload zip files though so I think the first idea would work better.

It may slow the process down for people's pictures being seen and getting rating and everything but that would be on the uploaders hands. They certainly couldn't cry to the mods about it because it will be seen by everyone just as soon as you tag your own photo.
Lvl 11
Originally posted by Tarquin

What the Hell share button are you talking about?

Middle left:

I don't necessarily think it's a bad feature, but it probably should be located elsewhere. Of course, those who don't like it can simply disable the script to prevent it from popping up
Lvl 25
Originally posted by brownell


Middle left: [ Link ]

I don't necessarily think it's a bad feature, but it probably should be located elsewhere. Of course, those who don't like it can simply disable the script to prevent it from popping up

We will move the "share" function under the tag function. This should help with the pop-up on mouse over.
Lvl 26
Can anything be done about uploading chicks into the picture series area?
I try to make notes whenever I upload a set but the series rarely ever gets created and I just end up with a stupid note on the pic that everyone can read. There's one series I had uploaded and I tried adding more pics that I found to that series, I made a nice descriptive note when uploading the rest of the set and just ended up with that dumb note next to the pictures and they were never added to the series.

I realize this has got to be the least of everyone's worries but I do remember reading a while back about people wanting the pictures area to expand.

Here's the picture I'm referring to that I was hoping would get added to the series but just ended up with a pointless note next to the picture.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by Diz-X


We will move the "share" function under the tag function. This should help with the pop-up on mouse over.

This has been applied to all the live servers.
Feature request...or more like a feature removal request: Get rid of the adult filter.

1) It doesn't work because many pics somehow loose their adult categorization. It would save me the work of re-adultificating them.
2) This is an adult site. If someone doesn't want to see nude women, they shouldn't be here.
3) The tag system should take care of filtering adult pics if the user selects 'nonnude'.

I know Diz mentioned getting rid of the adult filter in an earlier version but there was mixed reaction. Maybe FeFers could post a poll asking if anyone uses the filter. We're overdue for a new poll anyway.
Lvl 59
Is adultificating a word?

That being said, I see both sides of that argument.

Personally, I think it would be cool if there was a part of the site without (much) nudity, so that people could use the forums etc. at work and such.

The downside, however, is that we don't currently have such a setup, really, and that just a quick visit to the frontpage is guaranteed to give you some tits and ass. Also, the url name doesn't help, if you're trying to log on surreptitiously.

But, I'm not sure if people who are afraid of the NSFW thing would be browsing the chick galleries anyway.

I could post the poll, but I don't want to get curb stomped by Fefe.
Lvl 24
I like the filter. You know, if it actually worked.

But, it's useless, so I pretty much just open the site in the /forum page. Cause really, unless you're locked away in your room, you can't really open a website and have 20 shots of pics and vids of girls taking it up the ass, and 50 different instances of "PORN!!!! PORN!!! PORN!!!" show up. On the front page.
Lvl 24
And besides, making this ONLY and adult site, as we've constantly been doing with every single version update, means that we lose traffic throughout the day, as people who want to browse the non-naked aspects of the site, can't.
Lvl 59
I just thought of this, but it seems super awesome.

I think if we want to get rid of the adult filter, ok, but at the same time implement a mobile version of WBW, with no avatars, front page pictures, etc, so that if people want to log onto WBW from their mobile device without loading a meg worth of pictures every page they can, and at the same time, people who want to use that mobile/toned down version from their PC can as well.
Lvl 24
ill post a poll with some super awesome choices about the filter :P

edit: sorry, had no internet over at the house all weekend those assholes better put a credit on my bill :P
* This post has been modified : 15 years ago
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