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Starter: CarRacer Posted: 21 years ago Views: 230
Lvl 12
Hey, i got to thinking for some more things diz-x could do! :P i was wondering if it would be possible to have a place where we could see all the people at certain user ratings. like a list of all the people at newbie, freak, voyeur.... thought it would be kinda cool. and no i dont mind making more work for other people.
* This post has been modified : 21 years ago
Lvl 13
should be no problem racer. he seems to sleep all day. just what is his job anyway? sorry, didn't mean to call you by your last name. all right if i call you car?
Lvl 12
i dont think it really matter for the name. but i think he runs this site for his job. or he did something to make a wad of cash seeing as how he drives a VW and a merc slk and hosts this bandwidth hog site.
Lvl 25
Buxomforfun, you are right about the part of sleeping all day.. i always up at night Because working condisions are beter! And yes I work all the time on! That's my work!

CarRacer, Maybe when I start building the userlist thingie i could add filters for users per status.. good suggestions, i will add it to my suggestion list

And about the cars I drive, the VW is mine, the SLK is my parents.. but i drive a lot in it!
Lvl 12
god this is awesome, ive never been a part of a website where the designer actually is there everyday to take input and then does his best to fulfill it. this rocks
Lvl 25
CarRacer: Ofcoz I do my best! It's my work!