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Site changes: Changelog

Starter: Diz-X Posted: 4 years ago Views: 3.0K
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Lvl 25
This changelog will be updated with everything that changed/fixed/added/removed to the site.

Site changelog

FIXED: unlock sometimes gave errors.
FIXED: Comment moderation link to car views fixed.
ADDED: Subscribers list in user's profile
ADDED: Subscribed to list in user's profile (only visible for yourself).
ADDED: Users can now change date / time format in Date and Time settings.
ADDED: Date/time on the site now work with user set timezones and date/time format.
FIXED: Downloading cars playlists would result downloading the same file over and over.
FIXED: Drop down hover/active text color not right color.
FIXED: Dropdown menu style in babe videos queue overview incorrect one.
FIXED: Series moderate doesn't disband all on reject.
CHANGED: Overview quick preview larger icon now.
ADDED: Position numbering to Top and Trending.

LAYOUT: Removed 5px margin left / right around the .containter
FIXED: Quick look on overview didn't work correct for some premium members.
ADDED: Viewing permission redundancy for premium members that can fallback on url keys.
ADDED: Videos requiring 0 credits will no longer have to be unlocked.
ADDED: Vdieos that are 0 credits can now be played by guest in webplayer.
ADDED: Search form for babe videos. Easier to find for some poeple.
ADDED: Search keywords for babe videos are now saved.
CHANGED: Babe videos downloads throttle change to 60 to 1;
ADDED: Next / Previous buttons in videos section now stick to search query.

FIXED: Re-enabled accept for zip files in babes upload form;
FIXED: At registration users an no longer create username with spaces, tabs or other strange chars.
FIXED: When changing email users could select a blacklisted domain as new email.
FIXED: Moderation queue (babes/cars/videos) more optimized for small screen use.
FIXED: Top videos didn't show username on overview.
ADDED: Display library now throws error on empty file and source filename is a directory.
ADDED: User can now view upload deletion live/queue log.
ADDED: Users can now manage (delete/edit) uploaded babe videos in the queue.
FIXED: Link to series didn't work when url had query parameters in url.
FIXED: Series moderation would return errors when item in a serie was deleted after reporting.

FIXED: Stars rating aligns correctly right now.
FIXED: Awesomes are now gives credits to the one receiving the awesome.
REFACTOR: trimming username/email to be sure at register.
FIXED: site didn't redirect on www. or other subdomains.
ADDED: Users can now manage their car uploads (delete).
ADDED: Users can now look into car queue and live deletion log.
ADDED: Badword added to Sanitize class.

FIXED: When moderator tries to moderate an empty (babes/cars/videos) users queue it would resulted in internal error.
ADDED: "home" option to every section of the site, as some users have difficulty with main menu click.
FIXED: Moderating a non exists users uploads would result in an error.
REMOVED: Frontpage breadcrumb path has been removed.
ADDED: Users can now manage (delete) their own babe uploads.
ADDED: Users can now view the moderation log for their uploads (queue and live).

ADDED: Car section now has next and previous buttons.
FIXED: Moderation of reported cars would show wrong url.
ADDED: You can now manage your playlists - edit/delete and change privacy.
FIXED: non alpha characters in video filename would return file not found on video encoding.
FIXED: Video encoder would halt on non even video dimensions.
FIXED: Top babes/cars/videos now take votes into consideration.
ADDED: Babes/Cars/Videos next and previous will now stick to previous overview order (Only for category, date, series, user uploads, new).
FIXED: Babes user uploads overview used old style urls.
CHANGED: Trending/Playlists/Archives now use new style drop down.
FIXED: The first post of a new forum topic did not allow urls.
ADDED: Forums topic title can now be edited by topic starter and forum moderators.
FIXED: Delete and Edit did not work in user comments overview.
FIXED: Image rotation in babes/cars queue would result incorrect rotation.
FIXED: Image rotation in babes/cars queue would go out of bounds.

ADDED: Date / Time settings; Does nothing for now, will add support in next patch across the site.
ADDED: Small star rating now has title attribute with score and vote in it.
ADDED: Video overview now shows your rating on thumbnail.
ADDED: Video overview now show red line under videos you have viewed.
ADDED: Babe overview now shows your rating on thumbnail.
ADDED: Unlocked babes is no longer greyed out in overview.
ADDED: Cars overview now shows your rating on thumbnail.
FIXED: Own uploaded content in babes overview is no longer greyed out.

FIXED: Forums topics overview didn't show locked icon when topic was locked.
FIXED: In a topic view lock icon wouldn't show when topic was locked.
CHANGED: Forums topics overview moved icons inside the link anchor.
ADDED: Forum moderators can now lock topics.
FIXED: Comments moderation delete would result in parent object comments count not being updated.
ADDED: Forums topics that haven't been posted on for more than 30 days will be auto locked from now on.
ADDED: Forums support sticky topics now.
FIXED: Forum moderation checkpoint now correctly dismisses.
CHANGED: Comment avatar now hidden on small displays.
ADDED: Theater mode for web player in videos section.
FIXED: Moderators with ban/take rights couldn't ban or take rights.

FIXED: Newly uploaded avatars wouldn't display because of wrong storage path.

ADDED: Moderators can now reverse image search from within babe moderation queue.
CHANGED: Doubled the amount of content you can have per page in settings.
FIXED: Issue with Safari not scrolling to correct part of the page with scrollTo function.
ADDED: Babes top rated pictures.
ADDED: Cars top rated pictures.
ADDED: Babe videos top rated videos.
FIXED: Frontpage forum titles escaped way too aggressively.
FIXED: Cars user uploads overview didn't use the correct urls for car view.

ADDED: Video search

FIXED: When no forum post was empty the page description was not generated correctly.
FIXED: small pagination in forums topics overview did not respect set per page settings.

FIXED: Payments with AMEX would result in not activating membership because of debug mode.
FIXED: Creating a new car brand failed because of weird glitch.
CHANGED: Car brand and types are now trimmed from spaces on creation and edit.
FIXED: Live babe or video delete would reflect on users moderation stats.
FIXED: Live babe or video delete would now reflect correct deletion type (pro/dmca) in "live log"
FIXED: "live log" would only show normal deletes.
ADDED: Ability to detach a babe or video from a series.
FIXED: Issue where plyr.js would use their own CDN for loading assets.
FIXED: Video player in some cases wouldn't respect the 16:9 aspect ration.
CHANGED: Video player full screen behaviour on iOS now uses the native full screen for better UX.
ADDED: Support can now reset a users password.
ADDED: Support can now activate a users account.
LAYOUT: Remove bottom margin from alert header.
FIXED: Huge spacing between babe image and content when massive amount of tags where added.
FIXED: Dark theme input, textarea fields are no longer bright.
FIXED: Old forum titles and posts quotes got escaped way to aggressively.
ADDED: Goto pagination is now prefilled with highest page number.

- FIXED: When content was deleted all playlists with that content in it would update.
- FIXED: Tagsearch was not ordered correctly.
- ADDED: Pagination Goto has been added to all pagination elements.
- FIXED: When replying in the forums with files collapsed would result in reply element not restoring to default view.
- CHANGED: Reorganized the settings page.
- ADDED: Multiple file drag and drop upload in babes section.

- FIXED: Pagination for mobile interfaces should now display a small back and forward one.
- FIXED: Awesome’s could clutter posts/comments on mobile display
- ADDED: User can now change amount of pictures/videos/topics/posts pet page in settings.
- FIXED: Some Microsoft Edge users had problems with the video player control not showing up.
- FIXED: Vote/Awesome throttling was way to aggressive.
- REMOVED: Antispam protection has been removed from checking forum posts.
- ADDED: Premium members and higher can now use bbcode and urls in chat messages.
- FIXED: Quoting somebody that had quoted somebody would result in weird text glitches.
- FIXED: When replying on a topic the “quick reply” box no longer disappears.

- FIXED: A forum topic without posts would result in a internal error.
- FIXED: Some instances the 404 page not found would not give suggestions.
- FIXED: You can no longer give a awesome to posts/comments of deleted accounts.
- FIXED: Adding a item to a playlist will now check if it already existed.

- FIXED: Moderation wasn’t random enough resulting in moderators getting same content at the same time.
- FIXED: Issue with old babe urls not redirecting to the correct new url.
- ADDED: Old series urls will now redirect to the correct new url.
- LAYOUT: Icons for favorites, fullsize, download are now bigger.
- ADDED: Clicking on babe or car pictures that are bigger than normal view wil now go to full view.
- FIXED: When badges under avatar are not it gave a unknown variable error.
- ADDED: Next and Prev to the Babe and Babe Videos sections.
- FIXED: Pagination would not work on tag search results.
- ADDED: Dimension statistics for current car or babe is now displayed.
- ADDED: Day separators are added in the babe/car/video overviews.

- FIXED: Permission fallback on external scripts didn’t work as expected. Resulting in videos/images not showing.
- FIXED: Greylisting did not ignore trusted users. Resulting in everybody got greylisted.
- FIXED: Greylist moderation hang on weird formulated urls.
- FIXED: Forums attachment with none downcase file extensions would show incorrectly as download url.
- ADDED: Pagination to the top of pages.

- FIXED: Deleting a comment without a userid would result in error saving to moderation log.
- FIXED: When processing timer was not set php throws a unknown constant error.

- FIXED: Redirects on some old urls didn’t work with additional parameters.
- FIXED: Crew list didn’t display because of unknown user permission.
- FIXED: Echo server did not bind to virtual ip

- FIXED: Profile privacy setting did not work correctly.
* This post has been modified : 4 years ago
Goldseeker, exocet, ccpijg, DEMO and 3 other(s) find this awesome.
Lvl 25
v1.0.9 has been released.
dogdude, Stage_Man find this awesome.
Lvl 25
v1.0.10 has been released.
Lvl 25
v1.0.11 has been released.

Urgent patch to fix a internal server error.
Lvl 25
v1.1.0 released. Return of the Video search.
Lvl 25
v1.1.1 released. Return of top babes/cars/videos.
Andi.d finds this awesome.
Lvl 25
v1.1.2 released. Fixed the avatars
Lvl 25
v1.1.3 released. A lot of bug fixes and forum related stuff.
Lvl 25
v1.1.4 released. Main focus on overviews with rating/unlocked/viewed status.
Andi.d, [Deleted] find this awesome.
Lvl 29
Diz, I may have missed it, but do we no longer have a rating..for post's or uploads? Message me and I'll delete if this has been answered.
Lvl 40
Originally posted by Diz-X
v1.1.4 released. Main focus on overviews with rating/unlocked/viewed status.

viewed status is awesome and even better than before... thank you
flotilla finds this awesome.
Lvl 25
v1.1.5 released.

Summary: Manage playlists, Next/Prev behavior fixed for some overviews.
BlurMan finds this awesome.
Lvl 11
Is there any chance you can set the default to public. Many of my favorites came from the favs of others.
Diz-X, Stage_Man find this awesome.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by scatterbrain2007
Is there any chance you can set the default to public. Many of my favorites came from the favs of others.

I will do so. as favorites have been public in the past.
Stage_Man finds this awesome.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by Diz-X
I will do so. as favorites have been public in the past.

Stage_Man finds this awesome.
Lvl 25
v1.1.6 released. Focus on managing your babe uploads and view delete reasons.
flotilla finds this awesome.
Lvl 25
v1.1.7 released. Focus on managing your car uploads and view deletion reasons.
Lvl 25
v1.1.8 release, users can now manage their videos upload queue.
Lvl 24
Why cant we have numbers attached to pictures
Lvl 25
Originally posted by cockylad
Why cant we have numbers attached to pictures

Numbers attached to pictures? Can you explain?
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