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Site changes: Change Log #3

Starter: Diz-X Posted: 5 years ago Views: 2.1K
Lvl 25
The continuation of the change log here as we arrived at version 1.3 to 1.4 of our software.

version 1.4.5
ADDED: Credits Mutations to get more insight on your credits usage.
ADDED: Comments deleted by moderaters now removed credits as penality.

FIXED: In series moderation an internal error would occur when video trying to linked was deleted.
FIXED: Level up notification was triggered for some users over and over.
FIXED: When making a comment the "awesomes" variable was not set, resulting in errors.
FIXED: Switching to dark theme didn't give you credits for the achievement.
FIXED: Video filesnames would remove quotes instead of escape characters in video filenames.
FIXED: Reporting from the user comment overview was not recognized by report moderation.
FIXED: Credits where deducted when an item you commented on was deleted.
FIXED: Credits can no longer go bellow 0;
FIXED: Credits given at achievement would trigger unknown index error.
FIXED: On the error page when the theme variable was not set would trigger a error 500;

LAYOUT: Removed margin-bottom from table when table is inside .card

CHANGED: Video encoding: Removed audio processing from first pass as it was not needed, speeds up processing.
CHANGED: No longer loads stats on empty userid in moderation queues.
CHANGED: Fine tuned the credits earn and cost

version 1.4.4
FIXED: Issue with reported comments didn't correctly parse.
FIXED: Session name variable has now been hardcoded in config file.
FIXED: User comments overview: Awesomes didn't show up.
FIXED: User comments overview: Poll comments did not work correctly.
FIXED: Issue with reverse image search not correctly working due to a session was not set correctly.

version 1.4.3 (HOTFIX)
FIXED: Laravel Session wasn't loading in external scripts for displaying videos/images.

version 1.4.2
ADDED: You can now add series to a playlist (still needs overview of these series).

FIXED: Issue with babe videos log not correct showing "pro" on deleted.
FIXED: Under the video player showed the incorrect view count.
FIXED: Issue with filenames uploaded with special chars could override another in queue.
FIXED: When user didn't exists the babe overview for that userid gave a wrong error page.
FIXED: Forums: when moderator edits a post edited by would set "Diz-X" instead of current moderator editing it.
FIXED: Payment transactions gave incorrect date in overview.
FIXED: Dark themed table highlight colors used the one of the Light theme.
FIXED: Issue with with gamification boolean not parsed correctly.

LAYOUT: Achievements in profile are tweaked a little bit to make them more clear.
LAYOUT: Last comments have a bigger thumbnail now

CHANGED: Changed text "subscribers" to "followers" to make it less confusing.
CHANGED: Image component now has dependency on video component for creating image from video.
CHANGED: link color for dark theme changed to less bright color.

UPGRADE: Laravel framework from 6.x to 7.x

version 1.4.1
ADDED: Series icon has been added to overview
ADDED: Series icon added to videos overview
ADDED: Timestamp has been added to series overview

FIXED: The level progression bar now show correct percentage.
FIXED: Series timestamp is now saved on update on merge and put in front
FIXED: Sometimes achievements didn't get triggered because of wrong type set.

CHANGED: Jpeg quality changed from 100 to 70 for thumbnails and 75 for images. Reduces bandwidth and loading.

version 1.4.0

ADDED: Users can now gain experience and level up
ADDED: Achievements can be unlocked for credits and xp
ADDED: In comments icon next to username will appear when uploader comments on own item.
ADDED: In the forums next to username a icon is shown for the topic starters posts.
ADDED: Rights moderators can now delete all comments from one user.

FIXED: Under statistics "posts" did not include forum posts made.
FIXED: Resend activation now generate new unique activation string.
FIXED: when forum post was deleted it gave internal error in reported items.
FIXED: Car types overview was not order by alphanumeric.
FIXED: Editing forum posts would result in internal error when groupid was not set.

CHANGED: Changed "subscribed" to "following" and "subscribe" to "follow"
CHANGED: Urls of following and followers in profiel has changed.
CHANGED: Minimal upload resolution for babes and car section has changed to 720 width and 720 height.
CHANGED: Last comments of user now shows thumbnail of content commented on.

UPDATE: FontAwesome has been updated to 5.12.1

version 1.3.1
ADDED: Non premium members can now unlock download full quality babe and car picture.
ADDED: Top for whole year in babes / cars / videos. ADDED: Top is now cached for faster loading in babes / cars / videos.

FIXED: Some similies didn't work correctly.
FIXED: Full picture watermark wasn't set correctly.

CHANGED: Added extra text to registration form about privacy.
CHANGED: Moved verification batch next to username in comments and forumposts.
CHANGED: Added rate api and playlists api to CSRF ignore list.
CHANGED: Trending alogrithm has been finetuned.

version 1.3.0:
ADDED: Users can no longer vote on locked content.
ADDED: bbcode dropdown for smilies.
ADDED: Extra information added to "Your account has not been activated" message on top of page.
ADDED: Moderation Queue: Link has been added to moderate a users queue directly.
ADDED: Underage as reason to our upload filter database.
ADDED: Some urls are no longer put into online table.
ADDED: Privacy setting to hide your current url in "Users Online"
ADDED: Users online page.
ADDED: Front page show now how much users are online.

UPGRADE: Plyr (web video player) upgraded to version 3.5.7-beta.0

FIXED: Short ago in words no longer return zero string on 0 seconds ago.
FIXED: Home menu item highlights correctly when activated.
FIXED: When removing your vote page would scroll to top.

CHANGED: added .porn domain to tld detection.
* This post has been modified : 4 years ago
Firereign finds this awesome.
Lvl 25
Released version 1.3.1, TLDR: Fixed issue with multiple tabs and voting/adding to playlists. Non premium can unlock download full photos.
Firereign finds this awesome.
Lvl 33
Fixed issue with multiple tabs and voting[/reply]

no you haven't.... firefox at least
Lvl 25
Originally posted by analog2604

no you haven't.... firefox at least

The errors seems to be with our access permission system, that makes sure you cannot vote on content that is locked.
Firereign finds this awesome.
Lvl 33
Originally posted by Diz-X
The errors seems to be with our access permission system, that makes sure you cannot vote on content that is locked.

i just open many pic tabs to vote, and i can't. i refresh each page and after that i can vote as many times i want
Lvl 25
Originally posted by analog2604
i just open many pic tabs to vote, and i can't. i refresh each page and after that i can vote as many times i want

Jep, that is the error why you can't vote multiple tabs. Fix is on it's way, but want to add some extra features before applying the patch.
[Deleted] finds this awesome.
Lvl 33
Originally posted by Diz-X
Jep, that is the error why you can't vote multiple tabs. Fix is on it's way, but want to add some extra features before applying the patch.

working all ready, well done
Lvl 36
Why are the post numbers all out of order in the forums?
Lvl 25
Version 1.4.0 has been put live. Focus was on users can earn credits by leveling and unlocking achievements.
Firereign finds this awesome.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by Powersmokin
Why are the post numbers all out of order in the forums?

No random, they are the unique id how they are set in our database. Makes it easier to point out the post you are talking about.
Firereign finds this awesome.
Lvl 25
rolled out patch 1.4.1
Lvl 25
Originally posted by Diz-X
rolled out patch 1.4.1

Patched site to version 1.4.3
Lvl 25
Added patch notes for version 1.4.2 / 1.4.3 in the first post.
Lvl 67
I don't know if this is related or not, but I haven't been able to view my comments for the past two days. I keep getting a 500 |server error code.
I've got 85,000 comments that hopefully haven't disappeared

* This post has been modified : 4 years ago
Lvl 82
Originally posted by AJ100
I don't know if this is related or not, but I haven't been able to view my comments for the past two days. I keep getting a 500 |server error code.
I've got 85,000 comments that hopefully haven't disappeared


I can confirm the same is happening to me.
dogdude finds this awesome.
Lvl 67
Originally posted by The_Sentinel
I can confirm the same is happening to me.

Also, after entering a message and hitting 'comment' the screen doesn't change. It seems to do nothing. But when I exit out and redisplay the pic the comment is there. I assume it's all related.
* This post has been modified : 4 years ago
vinnybagofdonuts, babeologist, Firereign find this awesome.
Lvl 25
Will look into it, found some other bugs too I already fixed and will be patched in next version.
Firereign finds this awesome.
Lvl 67
Originally posted by Diz-X
Will look into it, found some other bugs too I already fixed and will be patched in next version.

I've received messages from a couple of users that are also getting this error. It looks like it's a major problem.
Firereign, A.Wuerzburg find this awesome.
Lvl 25
1.4.4 HOTFIX has been applied, fixing the comments issue.
Firereign finds this awesome.
Lvl 25
Rolled out version 1.4.5; patch notes will be added.
Firereign finds this awesome.