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Notifications - not getting them

Starter: mal Posted: 16 years ago Views: 487
Lvl 17
I rechecked my settings and im not getting notices of posts in threads via email. I checked my settings/email but nada? Any help?
Lvl 25
Are you using AOL e-mail? If you are thats probably why, I'm having the same issue. Try setting up an e-mail at and use that one, you should get them then.

If thats not it, then I don't know what else to tell you.
Lvl 25
Some providers mark our email as spam and directly remove it. I suggest using gmail, hotmail (live mail), yahoomail or any other email provider that doesn't have a strict email filter as AOL.
Lvl 27
Originally posted by Diz-X

Some providers mark our email as spam and directly remove it. I suggest using gmail, hotmail (live mail), yahoomail or any other email provider that doesn't have a strict email filter as AOL.

I doubt that's the problem. I used to get them like normal, but with the release of V5, I stopped getting them altogether, and I use yahoo.
Lvl 29
Quit crying!!

Lvl 24
Originally posted by rainbowdemon

Quit crying!!


i didnt know that people actually ever used this function, that would seem unusually annoying to me to have something like that turned on
Lvl 27
I used them before V5, it was actually a nice feature as i could be doing something else and not logged into WBW but then check my email and know someone had posted after me, if i was curious as to a particular comment or something. just my 2 cents...

I also use yahoo mail and i'm not getting them any more either
Lvl 27
Originally posted by FeFeHumHum



i didnt know that people actually ever used this function, that would seem unusually annoying to me to have something like that turned on

I started using them when the search was fucked up(v3 or v4). If i wasnted to find a thread I had posted in, it was easier to find it in my email(which is just for wbw) versus trying to fight with the search(seeing as how you have to have a certain amount of characters which makes things hard sometimes).
Lvl 17
Originally posted by FeFeHumHum



i didnt know that people actually ever used this function, that would seem unusually annoying to me to have something like that turned on

Ok thats helpful.

Diz - I use yahoo and used to get them all the time. It stopped when v5 came out. Hmmm Maybe the new version email looked diff to yahoo and its marking it as spam. I'll go check.
Lvl 17
Well nothing in "bulk" I did notice i missed out on helping a Nigerian transfer 10 million dollars. Damn!

It used to be automatic. I havent been clicking the "ad to watchlist". Ill try that now.
Lvl 17
Test post for post "ad to watchlist"
Lvl 19
I once tried it with Gmail, but I never received emails.
Lvl 17
yep still nothing.
Lvl 25
Weird shit

Gonna look into hopefully IF find out why it doesn't work very quickly.
Lvl 27
trying something too..
Lvl 27
test again
Lvl 27
Ok, heres what you have to do. Make sure you have email notification enabled in the settings, and then when you post, you have to click email notification under the advance reply.
Lvl 17
settings set to notify

clicked notify in advance

Lvl 17
Nothing. but its only been a minute or so. I get notifications when I recieve a private message though. I double checked email and the settings...

Maybe after ten minutes.


works just fine. thanks. yep that was the cure. set in settings and in adv reply.
Lvl 25
Could be a bug in the scripting, I should look into it