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New poll: What do you think about the pictures?

Starter: Diz-X Posted: 21 years ago Views: 2.0K
Lvl 25
Oke, just vote on the poll on the frontpage of this site, and if you have comment, just place them here
Lvl 16
its now 18 people wants to see more cute/sexy girls and 11 thinks it is just fine
if the site gets a 1100 up to 1600 visitors a day i think its remarkable that so less people vote
but i think that are just the people who just watch the pics and don't take the time to subscribe and become a member and never watch the forum or they don't speak english
Lvl 16
yup. I agree. a lot of ppl only take the time to look at the pics, but wont go any further into the site. if u just take a look at the daily new pics, ur up-to-date
I know. I've done it that way too but I think the creator(s) of this site needs to get some more credit for setting up something like this

perhaps a different way of approach is in need here. perhaps you would have to create the site in a way that ppl NEED to subscribe (which is still free) to watch the pics. only place a small part of the new pics that come online everyday accessable for all viewers and the rest to those who actually subsribe.
it's the least someone should do for access to these magnificent babes...
Lvl 13
Merge the Cute and Sexy category.. sometimes it is impossible to decide which section for what girls.
Lvl 25
Mwah, it's posible! cute babes are really cute, hot sexy are the girls that have erotic flavor
Lvl 12
perhaps you would have to create the site in a way that ppl NEED to subscribe (which is still free) to watch the pics.

Than you would have 1000 members and still just 18 people who take the useless poll. If people really want to use different sections of WBW they'd do that, you can't force them. Personally I can't blame them for not using this forum because it has nothing going for it.

Lvl 16
then why are you here Herald
* This post has been modified : 21 years ago
Lvl 16
its now 60% that wants to see more sexy and cute girls
thats remarkable
Lvl 25
mwah, i think the same, there should be more cute babes!
Lvl 16
well i got a lot left
Lvl 12
its now 60% that wants to see more sexy and cute girls
thats remarkable

why is dat remarkable? It's the only category people can choose.
Lvl 16
thats treu there is no choise to chose if you wanna see more nudes or amateurs
Lvl 12
PLEASE...dont go ripping Vinyamar or fjortis and putting those pucs here.
Those photo's have been voted to death on other voting sites!!
Lvl 25
heheh and no proffesional picture before i get the whole copyright law on my roof
Lvl 16
lol diz in jail