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Names per Status! (displayed next to your avatar)

Starter: Diz-X Posted: 21 years ago Views: 1.2K
Lvl 25
I need your help with making nice names per status leven, this name will be displayed above your avatar and displayed your status in our communitie! So please help me with names

00 = Unregisted member
01 = Newbie
02 =
03 =
04 =
05 =
07 =
08 =
09 =
10 =
11 =
12 =
13 =
14 =
15 =
16 =
17 =
18 =
19 =
20 = Donater

51 = News Writter
55 = Car Moderator
60 - Babe Moderator
65 - Comment moderator
99 - God

I need cool names for the 1 till 20 Please help me!
Lvl 16
meaby something like goldmember,silvermember

cant come up on more names but i shall think about it
nice idea.
Lvl 12
00 = Unregisted member
01 = Newbie
02 = unknown member
03 = invisible voyeur (maybe before you post a pic or show yourself in the forum o something)
04 = voyeur
05 = writer
07 = topic creator
08 =
09 =
10 =
11 =
12 =
13 =
14 =
15 =
16 =
17 =
18 =
19 = Donater
20 = Donater a la supreme

hehe I dont know...I'm just brainstorming a little...
Lvl 12
My suggestions (edited & spellchecked from de_Gothia's suggestions

00 = Unregistered
01 = Unseen (no posts, no uploads)
02 = Lurker (1-5 posts, no uploads)
03 = Newbie Vouyeur (1-10 posts, 1-10 uploads)
04 = Vouyeur (11-20 uploads)
05 = Advanced Vouyeur (21-50 uploads)
07 = Master Vouyeur (150-199 uploads)
08 = Newbie Pervert (11-20 posts)
09 = Pervert (21-99 posts)
10 = Advanced Pervert (100-299 posts)
11 = Super Pervert (300-999 posts)
12 = Mega Pervert (1000+ posts)
13 = Exihibionist (200 uploads or more, 50+ posts)
14 = Amateur Hunter (300-399 uploads, 50+ posts)
15 = Hunter (400-499 uploads, 50+ posts)
16 = Expert Hunter (500-699 uploads, 50+ posts)
17 = Professional (700-999 uploads, 100+ posts)
18 = Demigod (1000+ uploads, 150+ posts)
19 = Donator (€10)
20 = Supporter (€25+)

Feel free to make your own variations, these were done pretty fast
Lvl 16
I like "stalker":P
Lvl 25
I am missing: PornStar!
Lvl 16
that's because I reserved that name. nobody can be a better pornstar then me
Lvl 19
Just throwing some suggestions out there

00 = Unregistered
01 = In the closet (no posts, no uploads)
02 = Heavy breather (1-5 posts, no uploads)
03 = Peeping Tom (1-10 posts, 1-10 uploads)
04 = Vouyeur (11-20 uploads)
05 = Stalker (21-50 uploads)
07 = Ladies man (150-199 uploads)
08 = Virgin (11-20 posts)
09 = Phone sex addict(21-99 posts)
10 = Manwhore (100-299 posts)
11 = Pervert (300-999 posts)
12 = Annoying Pervert (1000+ posts)
13 = Exihibionist (200 uploads or more, 50+ posts)
14 = Hunter (300-399 uploads, 50+ posts)
15 = Pimp Daddy (400-499 uploads, 50+ posts)
16 = Chester the molester (500-699 uploads, 50+ posts)
17 = Repeat offender (700-999 uploads, 100+ posts)
18 = Dokterluv(1000+ uploads, 150+ posts)
19 = Pornstar ( Dirk Diggler )
20 =
Lvl 16
hahha lol hemi
the dokterluve thing
* This post has been modified : 21 years ago
Lvl 25
99 = GodLike
Lvl 25
i forgot :

Porn Addict
Pimp Daddy