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Issue sponsor banners...

Starter: Diz-X Posted: 22 years ago Views: 837
Lvl 25
We placed some banners on the site, you may ask "Why?". uses over 50 gigs of traffic a month. Traffic is very expensive these days, and we have to pay a lot of money to keep the site up. The traffic amount is rising every month and we predict that next month it will be 60 gigs.

So to keep the story short, we are trying to keep the site up and keep it free. And we ask you nicely to keep supporting us by clicking ones a time you are on the site on a banner.

We hoped that some people would donate, but it didn't happen. So we have to place some banners. If you donate money, please email us that you did. We can change your login to a bannerless page. small amounts are welcome from 1 euro/dollar.

Thnx people for visting!