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How rude and vulgar do you have to be, to be thrown off this site

Starter: sirlickalot Posted: 11 years ago Views: 3.6K
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Lvl 17
Having posted a forum topic, I was surprised by the abuse of two individuals inparticular. This abuse involved harassment, swearing, derogatory comments and was simply disgusting. I note that the rules of forums do not allow this, and I presumed following reports that these individuals would be banned. In fact the opposite happened. They increased their level of provocation. I don't have problem with the site not providing adequate protection for its members as I can obtain legal advice against these individuals and the site. I don't want to do that of course. I just want people to enjoy the site, and to be civil (though disagreements are fine). Now if the site isn't willing to enforce its own rules, and is willing to run the risk of legal action, I trust that it would agree that everyone can give as good as they get. Its only fair after all.

Any views (I trust those that Im referring to will have the good grace not to respond). They know who they are.

I welcome your comments (all bar 3 of you anyway).

Lvl 24
You want to pursue legal action because a couple people were mean. ...On the internet?
Have fun with that one.

And uhh... yeah, you kinda do need to like... toughen up a little bit. Maybe just a bit more than a little bit. I don't know. But I'm reading that thread, and your posts are just as "offensive" as theirs are. Which, aren't really offensive.

NB- Have fun reporting my post. I guess.
* This post has been modified : 11 years ago
Lvl 8
Oh boy...
Lvl 25
Poopie-heads, the whole lot of ya.
Lvl 17
Originally posted by Bangledesh
You want to pursue legal action because a couple people were mean. ...On the internet?
Have fun with that one.

And uhh... yeah, you kinda do need to like... toughen up a little bit. Maybe just a bit more than a little bit. I don't know. But I'm reading that thread, and your posts are just as "offensive" as theirs are. Which, aren't really offensive.

Get real. My posts don't contain swear words do they! Also, I'm suggesting that legal action might be suitable if there is a breach of the law. NOTE the 'IF'. Why shouldn't the law apply? Perhaps we need to toughen up a bit hey?!

NB- Have fun reporting my post. I guess.
Lvl 17
Originally posted by Kanzen
Poopie-heads, the whole lot of ya.

I read the thread you're talking about, and I will totally agree that things got way out of hand towards the end, and comments towards you most certainly did break the rules of the forum...however I will also say that you had a role to play in it too. If you go back to some of the earlier posts, I got a distinct feeling you were trying to provoke some people with your "ego" comments.

As for legal action towards the site or any of its members...I will leave this:

* This post has been modified : 11 years ago
Lvl 17
Originally posted by Davey45
Oh boy...

What's wrong with a good emotional thread (other than a lack of boobs), hey? !
Lvl 17
Originally posted by Sugarpie
I read the thread you're talking about, and I will totally agree that things got way out of hand towards the end, and comments towards you most certainly did break the rules of the forum...however I will also say that you had a role to play in it too. If you go back to some of the earlier posts, I got a distinct feeling you were trying to provoke some people with your "ego" comments.

As for legal action towards the site or any of its members...I will leave

I agree that they were trying to provoke me. I then (due to the lack of support from the crew on here) made some responses (though none in the same league as the original offenders - ie not swearing, with some humour where possible).

As for legal action - that is actually meant to get some response on here. Can it be undertaken - yip!! Do I want to - NO!! It actually isn't that difficult taking legal action against a company for breaches of the law, in relation to matters such as harassment. The reward however for those pursuing such claims, in these instances, is neglible. I just want a better site, where people aren't so damn rude! Let's have opinions, comment on women (and cars if you want), and not be complete knobs! Isn't that what the site is about?
Lvl 59
Can I sue somebody for making a terrible thread?

Asking for a friend.
Lvl 17
Originally posted by EricLindros
Can I sue somebody for making a terrible thread?

Asking for a friend.

No - but you can tell us all why it is terrible! Why don't people want to make this a better site? I just don't get it? Do you have a problem with that?
Lvl 3
... what "Law" might be broken here? Libel and Slander don't mean shit here, really. That's the only thing that looks to have happened, if it could be said to have happened at all... and I honestly wouldn't say it did. Shit, calling someone a Whiny Little Bitch isn't illegal, unless you live in the setting of George Orwell's 1984. Bots (or even people) voting are showing nothing more than their opinion. And if you find profanity particularly offensive, I question your age, if not your mental aptitude.
As for the content of your other thread... the legitimate concerns of bots doing what bots do notwithstanding, you really come of as the kind of guy who wants to remove all dissenting opinions from your own from the forum. That doesn't contribute to any form of intelligent discussion no matter when or where it occurs.
Lvl 17
Originally posted by Crystalkoen
... what "Law" might be broken here? Libel and Slander don't mean shit here, really. That's the only thing that looks to have happened, if it could be said to have happened at all... and I honestly wouldn't say it did. Shit, calling someone a Whiny Little Bitch isn't illegal, unless you live in the setting of George Orwell's 1984. Bots (or even people) voting are showing nothing more than their opinion. And if you find profanity particularly offensive, I question your age, if not your mental aptitude.
As for the content of your other thread... the legitimate concerns of bots doing what bots do notwithstanding, you really come of as the kind of guy who wants to remove all dissenting opinions from your own from the forum. That doesn't contribute to any form of intelligent discussion no matter when or where it occurs.

Very mature comments ! The other thread is closed, so time to keep quite about that hey?!

As for the language - would you rather I call you an "arsehole" or would you rather that I thank you for your comments, even if I disagree with them? I know what I'd prefer.

As for which law might be broken then there's not many countries that don't have relevant harassment legislation actually. Read up on it - I have! Redress against a company is actually quite possible where they don't address harassment issues. Why do you think that they have rules on here regarding conduct ! But as I said before, we don't want to go there do we. We just want to improve the site and git rid of the rude idiots. Can't be that bad an idea surely?
I would refer you to post 24 of that thread...very early on, before there were any personal attacks of any kind. It's my opinion that was the moment that you started to take things personally and almost began to look for a fight.

You are never going to rid a site of people that don't agree with you, just as you are never going to rid the site of rude comments. You don't know what action (if any) was taken against the others in that thread. Maybe they had a short ban on posting...maybe they were sent a warning pm asking them not to make additional posts like that. We don't ban just one side of an argument in which both parties share a responsibility.

Once again I will say the idea of you attempting any kind of lawsuit against someone for calling you names online is laughable at best.
* This post has been modified : 11 years ago
Lvl 17
Originally posted by Sugarpie
I would refer you to post that thread...very early on, before there were any personal attacks of any kind. It's my opinion that was the moment that you started to take things personally and almost began to look for a fight.

You are never going to rid a site of people that don't agree with you, just as you are never going to rid the site of rude comments. You don't know what action (if any) was taken against the others in that thread. Maybe they had a short ban on posting...maybe they were sent a warning pm asking them not to make additional posts like that. We don't ban just one side of an argument in which both parties share a responsibility.

Once again I will say the idea of you attempting any kind of lawsuit against someone for calling you names online is laughable at best.

I disagree entirely with your first paragraph. There is a big difference between finding comments naive or stupid and others downright disgusting and inappropriate.

The remarks did result in reports. Normally where this happens there is feedback. There was none. Do we really want people on here telling us all to "fuck off"? That would be weird surely? Is that what you want? I certainly don't want arguments banned, and if you'd read my comments, you'd see that was the case. I love argument and discussion. I don't enjoy stupidity or rudeness. I thought most people didn't.

As I stated (please read earlier comments) my comments about legal action were actually meant to make people think. There are actually laws in existence that prevent harassment or abuse online. There really are!!! My main point is improving the site, and finding that laughable is not very funny is it?
Lvl 17
Originally posted by Sugarpie
I would refer you to post of that thread...very early on, before there were any personal attacks of any kind. It's my opinion that was the moment that you started to take things personally and almost began to look for a fight.

You are never going to rid a site of people that don't agree with you, just as you are never going to rid the site of rude comments. You don't know what action (if any) was taken against the others in that thread. Maybe they had a short ban on posting...maybe they were sent a warning pm asking them not to make additional posts like that. We don't ban just one side of an argument in which both parties share a responsibility.

Once again I will say the idea of you attempting any kind of lawsuit against someone for calling you names online is laughable at best.

Sorry - forgot to add. Just read post 24 and whilst it did irritate me, it was rude and let's be honest, clearly deserved the response it had - if not a much harsher response as it was meant to inflame the situation and break site rules. Why do we want to allow that - we dont of course!
I had zero problem with the original post that you quoted. While I don't agree with him, I didn't find it rude at all. He wasn't trying to inflame anything, he was simply stating his opinion, just as you were in earlier posts. However, your reply to him in post 24 made it personal, and suggested that his ego would be damaged, and that his opinion was idiotic.

Look, I'm not blaming you entirely for the mess at the end of that thread, but in my opinion you certainly played a part; and to suggest that you are an innocent victim of online harassment and abuse is preposterous.
* This post has been modified : 11 years ago
Lvl 21
I voted this thread a 1.
Lvl 16
Getting insulted by something said online is silly. I'm not saying how anyone should feel, but I think some people are way too sensitive. One of the great things about being here is you don't have to really confront anyone. If you don't like what someone is saying then ignore it. There are so many other things to occupy your time with here. For ex.....Beautiful pictures and videos of women...I don't know about you but my attention span isn't that great here because of the plethora of boobage everywhere. On that note... Please feel free to rip my comment apart and say every bad word in the book, for I Vinnybagofdonuts care not what you say, but care more for what this site provides. I think that's where I'm supposed to say the end or I'm out...So yeah that's it.
Lvl 15
Originally posted by sirlickalot

Very mature comments ! The other thread is closed, so time to keep quite about that hey?!

As for the language - would you rather I call you an "arsehole" or would you rather that I thank you for your comments, even if I disagree with them? I know what I'd prefer.

As for which law might be broken then there's not many countries that don't have relevant harassment legislation actually. Read up on it - I have! Redress against a company is actually quite possible where they don't address harassment issues. Why do you think that they have rules on here regarding conduct ! But as I said before, we don't want to go there do we. We just want to improve the site and git rid of the rude idiots. Can't be that bad an idea surely?

Actually, I want to go there.

You suggest that there's some harassment law being broken here. Further you imply that "redress" is possible. Redress isn't a law, that's just a matter of restitution. I'm more interested in your harassment law suits. You may have 'read up on it", but you didn't "understand up on it". There are no threats, implied or explicit. There's no sustained abuse, hell it didn't even leave that one thread. The burden of evidence in online harassment cases is heavy, much more so than classic stalking/harassment suits.

I ran a web forum whose peak traffic was very similar to what WBW does today, and one of the owners was a detective in the United States. We had law suits filed against us, we had to deal with serious concerns about actual physical harm, and so I've had some very practical experience with this subject.

Our site truly had all sorts. We had people like you too, and to be honest it's annoying. The hypersensitive are equally as frustrating as the jerks who set them off. Don't be that guy. No one wants a site full of jerks flinging insults, but sometimes things can get serious. WBW isn't necessarily a home to many hotbutton issues, but it will happen. The people you really want to have are those who can recognize when they're being indignant or overly aggressive.

These people aren't engaging in actual harassment. They're being rude and potentially offensive. That's not a crime. You're a grown man, so act like it, and get over some hurt feelings. That's my feedback.
* This post has been modified : 11 years ago
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