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Hey guys and ghouls (girls) check it out, Saiyan420 has an Avatar finally!

Starter: Saiyan420 Posted: 21 years ago Views: 298
Lvl 12
I'd just like to give a shout out and say thanks a bunch to Diz-X and Gigolo for helping me with that, so thanks a bunch!

By the way, I do still have a couple questions, like I have access to Capture Professional and Microsoft Photo Editor, but I'm having trouble sizing some of the pictures that I like. When I make them 100 x 100 pixels, or make them 10240 bytes, they come out blurry and I was wondering if anyone had some tips for tweekin' those so they come out lookin' clear! ,
Lvl 25
That's why i use photoshop, has a much nicer resize tool
Lvl 21
Thank moi??? Twas notin! but yeah i agree with Dizzy... I only use photoshop...if its for ur avatar or something, u can send it to me...ill see how much i can tweak with it