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Graphics over the avatar

Starter: SaltyDog Posted: 11 years ago Views: 758
Lvl 15
Been away for awhile so this is new to me.......can't find a reference to it anywhere......I assume that these are levels........Is this the replacement promised for the categories that we had before( ie, pornstar, etc.? Will someone explain, or point me to where I can find an explanation? TIA...........SaltyDog........
There isn't one yet. It was just changed yesterday I believe. Apparently there will be information to follow soon.
* This post has been modified : 11 years ago
Lvl 59
I don't know, but I do know that I'm a 33 which seems good.
I'm with Salty...what's the deal? I don't frequent the Forums a lot (since the upgrade) so I am not up on the latest. What's the bar graph represent? Pardon the sarcasm but, being a $ paying Sponsor I'm not keen on a member bar THAT short...compared to everyone elses! The bar graph is the FIRST thing that is "visually attracted" in an identification on the site.., comment...any interaction. this maybe for member 'comments" and interaction? Cut to the quick...some dimwit that spouts off a lot of crap bar-graphs higher than me...a paying sponsor out of my pocket.
There may be better ways to satisfy the "payers" and the "inter actors" but this maybe isn't it.Or am I missing something and if true, I truly apologize.
Why do I score a 21 and Eric comes up 33??


His "bar" is longer than mine

Not good.
#4768417 bar is 1% longer than Eric's.

Lvl 25
Gonna write an explination about this I have been discussing this with some of the crew... and yes this replaces the status titles in the past. I can always add the status title as extra. The bar below the means how much you have left to get to the next lvl. like a game a little :P
Lvl 27
This is simply showing off the size, and virility of my E-Penos
Lvl 42
if i'm number 15...who's is number1?
Lvl 25
Originally posted by Zombie616
if i'm number 15...who's is number1?

It's not the rank, it's your status in the community 1 is lowest...