Here is a compilation of almost anything you need to know about the things here on WBW. Here you can check if you wonder what things mean, why they are here and how they work.
Babe Gallery
You can unlock pictures that are sponsor only (amateur porn, close-ups and bondage) with credits. Those pictures will then be definitely unlocked on your account and you'll access the same feature as sponsor members for those.
Top of the Babes
For a pic to appear on the monthly Top of the Babes list it needs to have at least 25 votes.
When a pic get enough votes to end up on the list and maybe even on the top five on the front page it also draws a lot of attention to it. This means that mods see them too. If a pic disappears from here and are no longer found in the uploading users Uploaded Babes page it has most likely been deleted because of a previously undetected breaking of the rules.
Moderation time
It may take some time before your pics are approved as every pic has to be humanly reviewed. There are many pic-mods but people upload new pics every day so be patient.
Managing your uploads
You can now check your current and deleted uploads from the upload page. The Manage babe uploads tab will allow you to see you pending uploads and delete them (if you've made a mistake for example). The Delete log tab will allow you to see the uploads that have been deleted with the reason why.
User score and upload queue
For each uploads not respecting the rules, you will get a penalty depending on the offence : You get no penalty for uploading a duplicate same if the "other" reason is chosen. You get a small penalty for bad quality, altered/cropped and extreme. You get a medium penalty for pros and watermarked pics. You get a high penalty for under-aged.
A user score is then calculated from these penalties, the number of total uploads and rejected/accepted uploads. The better the score, the higher priority your uploads will have in the queue and the higher your upload limit will be (from 25 to 1000 pics).
This system only starts when you have uploaded at least 100 pictures. Before that, your queue limit will be 100 pics.
Upload statistics
You can check your upload statistics on your profile. You will then see how many pictures have been accepted or rejected as well as the group you belong to (according to your user score).
Here is the meaning of the letters in the stats : A= Added, D= Duplicate, M= Watermarked, P= Celebrity/Model, U= Underaged, G= Extreme/Qross, Q= Bad Quality, A= Altered/Photoshopped, O= Other.
You can also check pics that have been rejected individually and the reason why here (upload section > delete log tab)
Reposts are automatically detected when moderating pictures. So, even if your picture suits all the rules, it might be deleted because it's already on the site.
A very hot error 404
This means that the picture you're trying to access has been deleted for some reason, usually because a pro pic or a repost pic has slipped through our screening. The thumb of it might remain for a little while if it was on the home page. Sorry, the pic is gone.
Movie Gallery
To download movies you need credits according to the size of the file. Once unlocked it will stay available to download on your account.
Viewing problems
The movies in our gallery requires the DivX codec to be viewed. You can solve the problem in two ways. If you don't want a new program installed on your computer you can download the codec so they can be viewed with the program you've already got, like Windows Media Player.
If you want all the encoding codecs, download the FULL package. If you need to playback only, download BASIC or STANDARD. I always take FULL, so it's up to you.
Or you can download the free program VLC Media Player and install it. It can handle our movies without having to install the codec. It supports most of the common operating systems.
There are several ways to get credits:
Uploading content
× Every babe/car picture that you submit and is correctly moderated by a mod: 2 credits
× Every movie that you submit and is accepted: 2 credits per minute
Improving the site content
× Correctly reported items - 1 credit
× Linking two pictures/movies of the same series together - 1 credit
× Assigning correctly a brand/type for a car picture - 1 credit
× You earn 0.01 credit for every picture you tag, if we find out that you wrongfully tagging images credits will be taken. Only permanent taggers have access to this feature.
× You earn 0.5 credit each time someone likes your post and clicks the "awesome" button.
Important! You only get the credits IF your movie get ACCEPTED. And that means it has to show up in your queue FIRST and then be accepted by a MODERATOR.
To get unlimited credits you can also buy a sponsor membership and you can then download and view any content without limitations. If you win credits while you have a sponsor membership you will keep the credits when your membership expires.
File Download Problems
Sponsors are able to have a max 8 parallel downloads for movies. If this doesn't work you might have to check your browsers configurations. Type about:config in the browsers adress line, check that the value for "network.http.max-connections-per-server" and "network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server" are OK. If those say 2, then it's two connections per server. Change this if needed and it should work.
If it's a big file the site might take long enough time to log you out. Try having another tab/window where you can sometimes refresh or click yourself to another page. That seems to have worked in the past. Also try tick the "Log in automatically each visit?" when you log in to wbw, it will be unticked when you press log off so no worries.
Learning guide:
Sponsor Payment
It is only possible to pay with Creditcard and Bank Transfer. The post on the bill will not show the name of this site.
If you get problems with your payment contact:
The sponsor membership will expire after the period you have choosen. It will not recharge your creditcard for another period. You have to re-signup manually for another period if you wish todo so. We do not save any banking details about you what so ever. Hope you keep on supporting us, if not please let the site-owners know what the exact reason is at , so we can better our services.
Nope, there's no list of what sites are blacklisted. That would kinda take away the purpose of blacklisting since we have it so people can't access that site for whatever reason.
If you notice a part of an URL you posted disappeared it's most likely because it's blacklisted.
[URL Greylisted - Awaiting moderation]
This is a feature we have implemented on this site to prevent spammers from advertising on our site. This affects all members with less than 50 posts (uploads, comments and/or forum posts) on the account. The moderators responsible will check the link and approve or remove it as soon as possible.
Voting rights
To avoid people only voting low score for whatever reason, voting rights can be automatically taken if your average voting score is lower than 1.5 (for babes and cars) or 1.25 (for movies or forum threads) with a minimum of 50 vote in the concerned category.
Access Denied!
If you encounter a message saying Access Denied and get redirected to the main forum when trying to enter a thread it is because it has been moved to a moderators only forum. Most likely it has been moved to our Quarantine forum where threads that needs to be investigated or kept from public eye are stored. In some rare cases it could be because the link you have got leads to a topic in The Office.
Unexplained(?) Thread Lockings
If this has occurred the first thing you have to do is check when the last message was posted. If it is older than 30 days they get locked by automatic. No moderators involved. If you want to add more to a thread it can be unlocked for you, no problem. If the last message is not 30 days old or more and no other explanation can be found anywhere in the thread you can PM one of the forum moderators for answer.
Who Can Delete What?
Members can delete --> Their own posts, with or without attachments
All CREW can delete --> Thread attachments, one by one
Forum mods can delete --> Thread attachments, one by one. Full threads, that's done by deleting the initial post. Single posts made by anyone. This provided it's in their own forum.
Global mods can delete --> Thread attachments, one by one. Full threads, that's done by deleting the initial post. Single posts made by anyone. This applies to all forums.
Comment moderators can delete --> Gallery comments
Picture moderators can delete --> Gallery pictures
Movie moderators can delete --> Gallery movies
To know who does what in the moderator team, check this thread.
Topic Icons
--> Cold topic (Older than a certain amount of time)
--> Locked cold topic
--> Ordinary topic (Created within a certain amount of time)
--> Locked ordinary topic
--> Hot topic (A certain amount of post has been placed within a few minutes)
--> Locked hot topic
--> Cold topic (Has been hot)
--> Locked cold topic
--> Forum sticky, always shows on top of the forum to display important info. Read them!
--> Thread contains attached material
--> Thread contains a poll
User Level
Levels represent your activity within the community. The higher the level is, the more you've been participating on WBW and the harder it will be to progress to even higher levels (just like in most video games). There is a lot of ways to increase your level, some with more weight than others.
Level increase weight :
Gallery comments, forum posts and wall posts : 1
Babes pictures, car pictures and movies uploaded : 2
Pictures and movies viewed : 0.01
Votes and tag added : 0.03
"Awesome" people gave you : 0.5
Level icons :
- Level 1 to 4
- Level 5 to 9
- Level 10 to 19
- Level 20 to 24
- Level 25 to 29
- Level 30+
Other icons :
- Sponsor member
- Site moderators
If you still haven't got the answer, make a thread.
Babe Gallery
You can unlock pictures that are sponsor only (amateur porn, close-ups and bondage) with credits. Those pictures will then be definitely unlocked on your account and you'll access the same feature as sponsor members for those.
Top of the Babes
For a pic to appear on the monthly Top of the Babes list it needs to have at least 25 votes.
When a pic get enough votes to end up on the list and maybe even on the top five on the front page it also draws a lot of attention to it. This means that mods see them too. If a pic disappears from here and are no longer found in the uploading users Uploaded Babes page it has most likely been deleted because of a previously undetected breaking of the rules.
Moderation time
It may take some time before your pics are approved as every pic has to be humanly reviewed. There are many pic-mods but people upload new pics every day so be patient.
Managing your uploads
You can now check your current and deleted uploads from the upload page. The Manage babe uploads tab will allow you to see you pending uploads and delete them (if you've made a mistake for example). The Delete log tab will allow you to see the uploads that have been deleted with the reason why.
User score and upload queue
For each uploads not respecting the rules, you will get a penalty depending on the offence : You get no penalty for uploading a duplicate same if the "other" reason is chosen. You get a small penalty for bad quality, altered/cropped and extreme. You get a medium penalty for pros and watermarked pics. You get a high penalty for under-aged.
A user score is then calculated from these penalties, the number of total uploads and rejected/accepted uploads. The better the score, the higher priority your uploads will have in the queue and the higher your upload limit will be (from 25 to 1000 pics).
This system only starts when you have uploaded at least 100 pictures. Before that, your queue limit will be 100 pics.
Upload statistics
You can check your upload statistics on your profile. You will then see how many pictures have been accepted or rejected as well as the group you belong to (according to your user score).
Here is the meaning of the letters in the stats : A= Added, D= Duplicate, M= Watermarked, P= Celebrity/Model, U= Underaged, G= Extreme/Qross, Q= Bad Quality, A= Altered/Photoshopped, O= Other.
You can also check pics that have been rejected individually and the reason why here (upload section > delete log tab)
Reposts are automatically detected when moderating pictures. So, even if your picture suits all the rules, it might be deleted because it's already on the site.
A very hot error 404
This means that the picture you're trying to access has been deleted for some reason, usually because a pro pic or a repost pic has slipped through our screening. The thumb of it might remain for a little while if it was on the home page. Sorry, the pic is gone.
Movie Gallery
To download movies you need credits according to the size of the file. Once unlocked it will stay available to download on your account.
Viewing problems
The movies in our gallery requires the DivX codec to be viewed. You can solve the problem in two ways. If you don't want a new program installed on your computer you can download the codec so they can be viewed with the program you've already got, like Windows Media Player.
If you want all the encoding codecs, download the FULL package. If you need to playback only, download BASIC or STANDARD. I always take FULL, so it's up to you.
Or you can download the free program VLC Media Player and install it. It can handle our movies without having to install the codec. It supports most of the common operating systems.
There are several ways to get credits:
Uploading content
× Every babe/car picture that you submit and is correctly moderated by a mod: 2 credits
× Every movie that you submit and is accepted: 2 credits per minute
Improving the site content
× Correctly reported items - 1 credit
× Linking two pictures/movies of the same series together - 1 credit
× Assigning correctly a brand/type for a car picture - 1 credit
× You earn 0.01 credit for every picture you tag, if we find out that you wrongfully tagging images credits will be taken. Only permanent taggers have access to this feature.
× You earn 0.5 credit each time someone likes your post and clicks the "awesome" button.
Important! You only get the credits IF your movie get ACCEPTED. And that means it has to show up in your queue FIRST and then be accepted by a MODERATOR.
To get unlimited credits you can also buy a sponsor membership and you can then download and view any content without limitations. If you win credits while you have a sponsor membership you will keep the credits when your membership expires.
File Download Problems
Sponsors are able to have a max 8 parallel downloads for movies. If this doesn't work you might have to check your browsers configurations. Type about:config in the browsers adress line, check that the value for "network.http.max-connections-per-server" and "network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server" are OK. If those say 2, then it's two connections per server. Change this if needed and it should work.
If it's a big file the site might take long enough time to log you out. Try having another tab/window where you can sometimes refresh or click yourself to another page. That seems to have worked in the past. Also try tick the "Log in automatically each visit?" when you log in to wbw, it will be unticked when you press log off so no worries.
Learning guide:
Sponsor Payment
It is only possible to pay with Creditcard and Bank Transfer. The post on the bill will not show the name of this site.
If you get problems with your payment contact:
The sponsor membership will expire after the period you have choosen. It will not recharge your creditcard for another period. You have to re-signup manually for another period if you wish todo so. We do not save any banking details about you what so ever. Hope you keep on supporting us, if not please let the site-owners know what the exact reason is at , so we can better our services.
Nope, there's no list of what sites are blacklisted. That would kinda take away the purpose of blacklisting since we have it so people can't access that site for whatever reason.
If you notice a part of an URL you posted disappeared it's most likely because it's blacklisted.
[URL Greylisted - Awaiting moderation]
This is a feature we have implemented on this site to prevent spammers from advertising on our site. This affects all members with less than 50 posts (uploads, comments and/or forum posts) on the account. The moderators responsible will check the link and approve or remove it as soon as possible.
Voting rights
To avoid people only voting low score for whatever reason, voting rights can be automatically taken if your average voting score is lower than 1.5 (for babes and cars) or 1.25 (for movies or forum threads) with a minimum of 50 vote in the concerned category.
Access Denied!
If you encounter a message saying Access Denied and get redirected to the main forum when trying to enter a thread it is because it has been moved to a moderators only forum. Most likely it has been moved to our Quarantine forum where threads that needs to be investigated or kept from public eye are stored. In some rare cases it could be because the link you have got leads to a topic in The Office.
Unexplained(?) Thread Lockings
If this has occurred the first thing you have to do is check when the last message was posted. If it is older than 30 days they get locked by automatic. No moderators involved. If you want to add more to a thread it can be unlocked for you, no problem. If the last message is not 30 days old or more and no other explanation can be found anywhere in the thread you can PM one of the forum moderators for answer.
Who Can Delete What?
Members can delete --> Their own posts, with or without attachments
All CREW can delete --> Thread attachments, one by one
Forum mods can delete --> Thread attachments, one by one. Full threads, that's done by deleting the initial post. Single posts made by anyone. This provided it's in their own forum.
Global mods can delete --> Thread attachments, one by one. Full threads, that's done by deleting the initial post. Single posts made by anyone. This applies to all forums.
Comment moderators can delete --> Gallery comments
Picture moderators can delete --> Gallery pictures
Movie moderators can delete --> Gallery movies
To know who does what in the moderator team, check this thread.
Topic Icons
--> Cold topic (Older than a certain amount of time)
--> Locked cold topic
--> Ordinary topic (Created within a certain amount of time)
--> Locked ordinary topic
--> Hot topic (A certain amount of post has been placed within a few minutes)
--> Locked hot topic
--> Cold topic (Has been hot)
--> Locked cold topic
--> Forum sticky, always shows on top of the forum to display important info. Read them!
--> Thread contains attached material
--> Thread contains a poll
User Level
Levels represent your activity within the community. The higher the level is, the more you've been participating on WBW and the harder it will be to progress to even higher levels (just like in most video games). There is a lot of ways to increase your level, some with more weight than others.
Level increase weight :
Gallery comments, forum posts and wall posts : 1
Babes pictures, car pictures and movies uploaded : 2
Pictures and movies viewed : 0.01
Votes and tag added : 0.03
"Awesome" people gave you : 0.5
Level icons :
- Level 1 to 4
- Level 5 to 9
- Level 10 to 19
- Level 20 to 24
- Level 25 to 29
- Level 30+
Other icons :
- Sponsor member
- Site moderators
If you still haven't got the answer, make a thread.
* This post has been modified
by omuh
: 10 years ago