keep freaking yourself out
twistedsister 21 years ago
we get called a lot worse than that. the world still goes around.
and while ur at it... wat the hell does "SPOTTER" make me?? i make spots? as in stains? as in please wipe those nasty spots off my screen??
hey, I'm a lady you think I wanna be compared to , say, Jack the Ripper? NO!!! its all in the interpretation (sp) of the word or phrase involved! Its better than newbie! eh?
MOVING ON!! CONGRATS to AALLL U FREAKS (specially powerpuff..flux!)
twistedsister 21 years ago
when someone is called a freak the caller means that in their opinion the person being refered to is not exactly like the caller. the name caller believing he or she is the ideal we should all strive to be. to be outstanding in any way is to be freakish. mother theresa, mahatma gahndi, or perhaps even bill gates would be freaks. it is all in the eyes of the beholder.
twistedsister 21 years ago
she may have only been refering to what she had been called perhaps more than once and wanted those callers to get off her back. some people, those without a life, get enjoyment in inflicting pain on others. really freakish in its own way.
well, in my own observations, you two seem pretty normal.....BUT, there are all walks of life here that plug into this site.....take it like a grain of salt.....everyone is unique....and this is a good thing.....could you imagine having 20,000 Rush Limpballs running around? see what I mean? i think i can speak for most of the guys here when I say we enjoy your posts and your input. Without it, what would we be?
twistedsister 21 years ago
are you defending those who may have called the reverand dr. martin luther king jr. a freak?
Gigolo, that was some deep shit! now bux is putting YOU on the spot. There is only ONE right answer to the question she is asking careful! Bux, you are a saucy woman...i enjoy playing instegation games with you....i just hope these expressions of opinions dont turn ugly (i dont want that to happen) .......youre up Gigolo, hit a HomeRun dawg!