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Starter: CarRacer Posted: 21 years ago Views: 360
Lvl 12
Hey, i was wondering if diz-x would put another thing on his to-do list. i was checking the "new posts" page for the forum and clicked on a few links i didnt have access to. im assuming its because im just a regular user and not crew or a demigod. maybe diz-x has a way of filtering the results from the new posts page that are only accessible to us. so id only see the new posts that are viewable to me. thanks again for constantly updating the site diz-x!
Lvl 25
WTF, are you seeing treads from crew forum?
Lvl 25
Hope it's fixed now
Lvl 12
yeah i was, something titled "pictures" and something else, dont really remember, but you can delete this thread now.
Lvl 25
I didn't deleted it.. i fixed a bug in code Mysql isn't nice to me these days Why o Why?!@#
Lvl 15
"Introducing new crew member" That was a Mod thread also.

I've seen those a while now. I cant read in the thread i get the "access denied"

Check also thread "Only me who has to read this" -By Dagon..
Lvl 25
I hope it's nicely patched now before I post a topic like: "My mamma told me that i should quite with WBW, what do you crew members think "

Lvl 12
thats some great motivational stuff to encourage people to reach demigod status or become a crew member. look at all the intersting stuff were missing out on! :P
Lvl 15
yea that "My mamma..."

Lvl 25
CarRacer: The crew forum isn't that exciting at the moment! Mostly we talk about policies, personal things, about my mother, technical stuff, who has the biggest penis, changes on how to do things, new features an how to work with, and ofcoz who has the nicest girlfriend..
Lvl 15
my curiosity grows... what with your momma anyway?

(off topic Diz-x closing on 1000 posts weee!)
Lvl 25
Dagon: Hmm, I wish I knew

Think i am going to close down this topic,.. it's too much offtopic!

And Carracer/dagon THNX for the bug report, keep up the good work.. ( I should consider giving points for good suggestions and bug reports! ). If I only had the time and energie..