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Featured videos

Starter: Thamuz Posted: 5 years ago Views: 745
Lvl 26
Did the coding change in this area with the new layout? It seems the featured pictures and videos used to update more frequently. I feel like it's been the same videos up there for a couple of weeks now. The odd part is that they're not even the top videos. Maybe they were when they first made it onto the home screen. When looking at videos and selecting "top", you'll find tons of videos that are higher ranked yet they're not making it onto the home page.

Maybe this is on purpose. If so then nevermind.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by Thamuz
Did the coding change in this area with the new layout? It seems the featured pictures and videos used to update more frequently. I feel like it's been the same videos up there for a couple of weeks now. The odd part is that they're not even the top videos. Maybe they were when they first made it onto the home screen. When looking at videos and selecting "top", you'll find tons of videos that are higher ranked yet they're not making it onto the home page.

Maybe this is on purpose. If so then nevermind.

The trending algorithm needs tweaking. I have it already on my to-do list for future updates.
Lvl 26
You're amazing diz. Not sure how you keep up with all of this.
Diz-X finds this awesome.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by Thamuz
You're amazing diz. Not sure how you keep up with all of this.

Doing my best and don’t take criticism personally. I want to make the site better than ever.