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F#ckin site grabbers

Starter: Diz-X Posted: 21 years ago Views: 619
Lvl 25
Because some people think bandwidth doesn't cost a think i have implimented a new ANTI-LEECH script.. if you try grab the site with any software the site detects it and will ban you. If you do it more then ones, you will be banned FOREVER! LET THIS BE A WARNING!

1. It's slows down the site
2. It generates a lot of traffic
3. Because you give me a hard time!


Lvl 12
nice done
Lvl 25
It's a pitty some people use this kind of software, It makes the site slow for other users and gives me a higher bandwidth bill
Lvl 12
good job!
Lvl 16
hang em up
Lvl 16

I have that kind of software too, but only use it in favor of WBW, ripping of other sites to upload here