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Starter: Hemi Posted: 21 years ago Views: 422
Lvl 19
Those 8,000 uploads of last week are finally getting 20 votes and invading my Top 50 longstanding favourites list.
Alot of pros, a lot of doubles.
Mods are you paying attention?

/me reporting
Lvl 14
Tnx hemi we have seen it. It is very hard to see every picture Diz-x has put some software on to look for dubbels but it is not 100% proof. But tnx
Lvl 25
Hemi: I should suggest report those double pictures!
Lvl 19
Will do!!
Lvl 14
Yeah, I'm probably responsible for a bunch of pros... now that amateurs seem to be becoming pro.
Lvl 21
yeah.. i think soon we'll have to give bonus points for reporting the most doubles or penalise those that upload too many doubles...that way it'll REALLY kill incentives to mass upload recycled pics...
Lvl 13
Are pros not allowed?
Lvl 21
nope...not to upload to babes gallery...this is supposed to be an amateur site..but since its hard to tell amateur from porn on some pics, some tend to slide thru...but the idea is STAY CLEAR from pics of professional models in professional "settings" (like its not really likely its an amateur when she is in bed, striking some model pose, in some crotchless lingerie, wearing a ton of make-up)... but i say as long it looks amateurish its safe.... ask the Crewies tho for final word
Lvl 13
Lvl 25
It sometimes amaze me how badly taken some pictures are! Sometimes you see the photographer in the picture. Or lighting is done real badly! But Gigolo is richt, we try to keep out pro pictures, this of copyright issues...

About the extra points for reporting pictures, its a good idear, i have something simular on my todolist! I will keep you all updated!