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Category split?

Starter: Diz-X Posted: 20 years ago Views: 793
Lvl 25
I was thinking to split the "Topless & Naked babes" into Topless babes and Naked Babes and Close ups? Good idear or bad idear? suggestions please!
Lvl 13
Good idea.
Lvl 15
Very good idea...Maybe there also could be a split between "pro" and "amateur" in this category,so I musn't watch all these professional pics anymore..
Lvl 16
i like the topless & naked splitup but not the close up.if there are closups you cant see if it is an amateur or professional ( I don't like close ups anyway )

pro & amateurs catogory i certainly dont like becouse if i want professional girls i would go to or i just like the girl nextdoor pics.
and thats so special about WBW
Lvl 16
Posted by marcusb1981 on 09:24 13-09-2003 Edit | Delete

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Posts: 1
Very good idea...Maybe there also could be a split between "pro" and "amateur" in this category,so I musn't watch all these professional pics anymore..

I just spend 2 afternoons by deleting professional and double pics so much professional pics will not be there only from the last 2 days.
* This post has been modified : 20 years ago
Lvl 16
go dokluv!

I like the split-idea. recently a LOAD of naked babes have been posted, could be nice to see them all together
Lvl 25
Split has been completed, only problem is a lot of topless babes are still in the naked categorie So.. a lot of work to do for we moderators.. moved about 700 pictures.. have a lot to go.. that's for sure!