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Starter: budokan Posted: 21 years ago Views: 391
Lvl 22
maybe i am the only one having this problem

when i am looking at a girls pic (prolly cars too but i dont visit that section) the banner of sponsors (at least is in a upper layer than the scrll menu so i dont see all the options (for eg. for submitign a babe)

am i making myself clear? (sorry but it late here)

Lvl 25
Budokan: So when you use the menu, the menu drops below the banner.. damn... i have to fix this!
Lvl 15
Yea happens to me too.
This post was only to let budo know he aint alone
Lvl 15
Bug 2?

How is this possible?

Lvl 15
I dont see any replies... and sorry for the baaad baad print screen... too lazy to fix...
Lvl 22
Diz- x : yeap that what i am saying.

thx dagon for let me know there is someone special for all of us out there.

i didnt undesrtood the second bug- What is wrong in the pic?

Lvl 15
Well i dont see Replies... theres a Zero... and I dont see the number of posts menaing page 1-2-3-4-5-6 in the forum... Strange stuff..
Lvl 22
i ve noticed the lack of page numbers
but i didnt realized about the no reply thing

Lvl 21
i didnt know we had banners on this site?! hehe
Lvl 19
Same bug also, too, here
Lvl 22
hemiiiii!! what were u looking at???!!! you naughty boy! does your mother knows you do this on your spare time?

* This post has been modified : 21 years ago
Lvl 16
yes, its not just you....happens to me too.....when I upload a babe or have to get to part of the pulldown thats burried, i usually just shoot to the front page and do it from there becauise there isnt any banners