Originally posted by lucashoodz
Is it best to wait until ones queue is completely depleted before adding more photos? Would adding new photos, "put you to the back of the line"?
Also, I've had a ton of pics rejected for "celeb/model" and these were 100% not models or OF owners. Is it worth debating or not so much?
Last questions. What is the basis of the altered/photoshoped category? Are you looking at image sizes? Does re-sizing an image mean its altered? Cause I've had members take an image I uploaded, made it bigger, and it got accepted. Does blurring/cropping a face or tattoo mean its altered? Cause I've seen blurred/cropped faces be accepted as well and I had many rejected.
1. You can upload more stuff even if there's some left, it won't reset the queue time for what was already uploaded before.
2. I've checked the first pics in your queue log that were rejected as pro and they are onlyfans models. This is a prime example of "I'm 100% sure those aren't pro" that end up actually being pro... The only way to know for sure that someone isn't pro is if you know the woman personnaly (and even then, we've had a case where someone friend's actually had an onlyfans account without them knowing ^^).
However, if say you upload pics you took yourself of someone you know isn't pro and they get rejected as such by mistake, feel free to either post here with the pics link or PM a mod so we can look into it and reverse the decision if that was indeed a mistake. Unlike thefifthstate said above, there is no isssue in reversing a mistake if it is actually one. In your case though, from what I've briefly checked, it does look like the pics rejected as pro were indeed pro.
3. Altered/photoshop included different things (this will change when the moderating reason will be updated to be clearer). Here what's not allowed in that category :
- cropping the picture (even if it's just background) - if you take a picture yourself and crop it before uploading for the first time, then it's fine as it will considered original, but if we can find the same picture uncropped on the internet, then it will be rejected
- photoshopping the picture in a way that alters the pic (swap a face, morph the body, remove elements from the pic, stuff like that)
- uploading a screenshot (if we can see the UI elements, borders etc.) or a screenshot of a video
- app filters that add stuff to the pic (like text, emojis, sparkles etc.)
I think that's about it. What is allowed however is :
- resizing the picture as long as the ratio stays the same and the quality doesn't suffer from it (since there is a minimum size required, some might be tempted to enlarge a small pic but usually it ends up being shit quality)
- hiding the face of the woman, for anonymity purposes (unless the original picture exists on the internet without the face hidden of course)
- small changes in lighting/colour grading (as long as it's not extreme like making a pic black and white when it exists in colours)
* This post has been modified
: 6 months ago