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Starter: Stiffupher Posted: 2 months ago Views: 679
Lvl 34
Is anyone able to explain why I've not been given the "Gaining Popularity"
achievement ?
Many thanks.
Lvl 25
Have to look into this issue...
Stiffupher finds this awesome.
Lvl 7
Originally posted by Stiffupher
...achievement ?
Many thanks.

hey, you got the "Casanova" achievement, what else do you need
and who the funk gave this thread an 1-star?
Stiffupher, Diz-X find this awesome.
Lvl 34
Originally posted by Diz-X
Have to look into this issue...

Any movement on this?
Lvl 25
Sorry have been moving to my new house.. the house is a lot of DIYing.
Lvl 34
Originally posted by Diz-X
Sorry have been moving to my new house.. the house is a lot of DIYing.

OK Good luck with the DIY