I'm always running into this girl online. I don't know who she really is. There are tons of people faking as her. Does any of you know who she really is and where can I find much more about her? (including a lot of pics of her).
Duderino 13 years ago
post some more for startes to give us a solid base to search from.
Duderino 13 years ago
well, well - turns out one pic was enough! ^^
[Deleted] 13 years ago
thatguy687 13 years ago
Thank you guys. That was great but does anyone know who is she? Is she like a model or someone? Or is she some random famous girl that no one knows about?
aaron33 13 years ago
That doesn't make sense. How could she be famous but nobody knows about her?
thatguy687 13 years ago
I meant famous because of her pics because I have found them on a lot of places and people put them up as their profile pic as well. So I was wondering if someone knows who she really is? Or is she just another random girl whose pics have appeared online and no one knows about her?
I found her online when I was browsing a website. Her photo there was watermarked from another website. Her pics are really being passed around.
I found her online when I was browsing a website. Her photo there was watermarked from another website. Her pics are really being passed around.
thatguy687 13 years ago
Does anyone know who she really is (like a model or something?)................Anyone??