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Who is this girl I'm seeing everywhere?

Starter: thatguy687 Posted: 13 years ago Views: 2.4K
Lvl 6
I'm always running into this girl online. I don't know who she really is. There are tons of people faking as her. Does any of you know who she really is and where can I find much more about her? (including a lot of pics of her).
Lvl 16
post some more for startes to give us a solid base to search from.
Lvl 16
well, well - turns out one pic was enough! ^^
some of her pictures that i liked and managed to save from the above site
Lvl 6
Thank you guys. That was great but does anyone know who is she? Is she like a model or someone? Or is she some random famous girl that no one knows about?
Lvl 4
That doesn't make sense. How could she be famous but nobody knows about her?
Lvl 17
Dude, more importantly how the hell did you find her?
Lvl 6
I meant famous because of her pics because I have found them on a lot of places and people put them up as their profile pic as well. So I was wondering if someone knows who she really is? Or is she just another random girl whose pics have appeared online and no one knows about her?

I found her online when I was browsing a website. Her photo there was watermarked from another website. Her pics are really being passed around.
Lvl 6
Does anyone know who she really is (like a model or something?)................Anyone??
Lvl 4
She calls herself lamaslindadepalermoo... If my info is correct... she most likely a web girl living in Argentina. Just google that name and it will pull up her fotoblog.