Looks ALOT like Elisha Cuthbert, strange...
Is #3 Aussie Jewel? Looks like it to me.
[Deleted] 17 years ago
#3 makes me feel all tingly in pants
I know the first one.. She goes by different names on different websites, though the second girl posted, I have only seen before, never caught a name. The first one however, should have quite a few freckles around her left nipple, leading down over her stomach. (The pictures that show her enjoying a banana, are some of the best.)
On ALS Scan, her name is Jana, though she also has a few other aliases as she's aged over the years. My guess is that she changed so much over the years, and got more into the certain aspects of the life-style and decided on changing her name with her outfits; so to say.
HipsterDufus 17 years ago
Is it Jana Irrova?
I'm surprised i didn't recognise her, i'll get my collection up soon.
Sorry I can't help either but she is hot!! So is Elisha and girl 2 and 3.
Well where in the hell is Lilrika or mistral? They would have solved this in a minute!
they are all smoking, and besides, what's in a name anyway?????