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please please help me

Starter: brunojones Posted: 16 years ago Views: 1.2K
Lvl 8
yes ive never posted here, and i havent been on here in a while. but can someone please help me find this girl.
thanx so much
Lvl 8
Here my friend enjoy
Lvl 23
Nice find
Lvl 8
A thankyou might have been nice?
Lvl 23
Originally posted by jetjaguar

A thankyou might have been nice?

I did thank you.. but yeah bruno shud say thanks
Lvl 8
Yeah i was talking about brunojones to say thankyou as he was online when i post the links meybe it is he is a noob
Lvl 23
Originally posted by jetjaguar

Yeah i was talking about brunojones to say thankyou as he was online when i post the links meybe it is he is a noob

brunojones should get stabbed in his fucking eyeball!
Lvl 8
hey sorry ppl but i posted this and then went on holiday, sorry if i offended you lady killer. thank you very very much. your a star lady killer. oh yeah and Echelon, why dont u fuck off and die.
thanx again lady killer
Lvl 18
ahhhh another lucky n00b
Lvl 37
Originally posted by bachiotomy

ahhhh another lucky n00b

with bad manners!
Lvl 11
Sad to see people only wanting but not giving anything in return, such as a thank you.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by Pabst

Sad to see people only wanting but not giving anything in return, such as a thank you.

Originally posted by brunojones

thank you very very much. your a star lady killer.
Lvl 23
Originally posted by brunojones

oh yeah and Echelon, why dont u fuck off and die.

Quit trying to sweet talk me 'BJ'