We'll i'm still searching for her name or myspace account :P
Why, are you going to stalk her??????????????
just fucking creepy when someone not only wants her pics, but how to contact her. i see a criminal act coming on. i wonder if he's even gonna say thank you for Brownell finding the old posts.
Nah, he's too busy planning his road trip and putting cardboard up over the windows in his econo-van!
I don't really think she's THAT hot... much too thick for me... sorry guys...
Nahh guys, just wanted to find the actual full-sized pics, most of those were tiny or totally cropped.
Thanks for the quick reply brownell.
I found her on myspace but now she looks all sleazy and like she fell into the wrong crowd. Not as good looking as I thought.
Dakkon: I was actually going to use my Volkswagen peace-mobile :P
He isn't a newbie he is a douchebag
I can totally understand people wanting the myspace or facebook contact info. Cause that gives you a steady supply of her pics as opposed to just the ones that are out now. You get the updates first when she posts em.
Why would you wanna buy your weed from the guy down the street if you can go straight to the grower? Same principle.
never thought of it exactly like that Swiss407... but ya, in essence :P