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Hot lil' Blonde. Got some more?

Starter: J-Swiss Posted: 14 years ago Views: 1.0K
Lvl 18
Saw her in the gallery and can't find any major imperfections. Was hopin she had some more out there to check different angles.

I might be in the minority here, but I think her face is kinda manly.
Lvl 29
Lvl 23
lol @ manly have got to see the girls from were you come from lol
Lvl 7
Smokin' girl!
Lvl 11
she is hot

ask brownell maybe he no where you can find her, he knows a lot
Lvl 18
Face is manly? what? I think you should wipe off your glasses and take another look. If she still looks manly to you go get a whole new prescription for those glasses.
Lvl 17
Nothing manly about her face or that smokin' body...
Lvl 13
very nice