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Big Breasted Prom Dress...

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 16 years ago Views: 3.8K
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Ok...I reverse my earlier statement. She is a young'n. My gawd...what are they putting in the water these days, those are huge!
Lvl 29
Originally posted by ev1l0ne

My gawd...what are they putting in the water these days, those are huge!

It's the growth hormones in meat. Chicken, mostly!!
Originally posted by rainbowdemon


It's the growth hormones in meat. Chicken, mostly!!

Note to self...get chicken out of the house.
Lvl 11
Looks more like a wedding reception than a prom don't you think? However, It is kinda kinky to think about her at her "senior" prom though... But then again, I was 18 throughout my entire senior year.
Lvl 12
if I was her dad i would lock her up in her room until she turned 60 and her tits were all saggy. Since I'm not, bring her on! hot mama!
Lvl 12
Originally posted by Dondi

Is this her? [ Link ]

nope but she is also hot, big hootas'
Lvl 8
you could tittyfuck this teen from 3 feet away!
Lvl 24
Originally posted by Rob3


I think you got off on the wrong foot here in this thread. Your actions defy common sense. You have logged on almost 2000 times. Can you really expect us to believe that you have never heard of "contribute before you ask?". Some of your other posts are a bit off the edge as well. This is a community of like minded people. For the most part we are here to look at the girls that are posted, make a comment or 2 and everything works well.

Because of your lack of participation in sharing before you ask, a member has called you to account for your actions that violate THE RULE, contribute before you ask! It is as far as I know an unwritten rule, hell I haven't read a stickie in awhile. So maybe it is written. But for sure you should have a drift as to how this site works. You should not have expected other than a good solid dissing. Actually, you were treated quite civilly.

I really hope you take this to heart, it is a nice way to say you fucked up. Get over it dude.

Is it to much to ask that in your almost two thousand logins, you didn't have time to post a few picks.

Get a life and another site you fuCtaRd.

Yours truly

Shut up.

The matter has already been discussed.

And, as you know, since you're all about unwritten rules and all that: sponsor members are contributers. They don't post or upload pics, but THEY PAY TO ALLOW others the ability to do so, since this site uses a lot of space and a lot of bandwidth.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by Dondi

Is this her? [ Link ]

no, don't think so
Lvl 17

It's the growth hormones in meat. Chicken, mostly!!
[/replyI've been eat beef like crazy hoping my weiner would swell...
I'm hoping that chicken doesn't only work on boobies...
WTF, I need a new diet plan...
Lvl 13
Originally posted by Honda_X


It's fine man, leon usually just says some shit, he rarely helps or is useful. So I'm sure one of the cool members will roll in here.

nah,im the only cool poster in here.

and fyi honda,if a person ask nicely enough i might help him and even when i ask for help i throw a gallery or two to make people know im a giver and not only a taker.
Lvl 6
If big breasted prom girls are what you are looking for, have I got a treat for you:
Lvl 15
The people in those pictures don't look like high school students. Obviously it can be hard to tell, but I suspect it's much more likely that is a formal event at a university.

Have not seen her before.
Lvl 11
Hopefully ya get a positive match.
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