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Young Amateur HC | Anal, Facial, Plugs - the Works ; )

Starter: OmegaRED Posted: 16 years ago Views: 8.0K
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Lvl 13
Hey all.. hopefully this ain't a repost.. I came across this short set of an amateur couple having it their way Decided it was good enough to post...

As most of you may have noticed, I don't usually post hardcore but decided on this post for a change.. feedback appreciated!

Lvl 13

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Lvl 13

okay guys thats the set...

I have a question open for discussion, for all you couples.. If you have anal, (unprotected or not) would you go back to oral or vaginal sex afterwards? Maybe i sound naive here but I kinda find it unsanitary.. I've seen in many porn vids where guys just do anal and right away put it in her mouth and she keeps on suckin it with no hesitation! any thoughts?
Lvl 13
I'm speachless...
Lvl 7
Lvl 16
Good girl, taken it like a champ.
Lvl 9
amazing! thanks for sharing
Lvl 5
sooo outstanding, what a hottie
Lvl 17
i want a girl like that!
* This post has been modified by DEMO : 16 years ago
Lvl 21
She looks like fun
Lvl 12
Lvl 6
That girl isn't an amateur. he name is patricia. she's a porn star. Type her name in at and you will find alot more of her.
Lvl 13
Originally posted by d4slat

That girl isn't an amateur. he name is patricia. she's a porn star. Type her name in at and you will find alot more of her.

Are you certain mate? I did a search there and she wasn't there in any of the top results - HERE

From the quality/angles/lighting of the pictures i'm pretty sure that this is an amateur set.. i might be wrong though - hope not.
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