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You ever known a nude girl you saw on WBW?

Starter: d81lu Posted: 13 years ago Views: 71.5K
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Lvl 11
Originally posted by EricLindros

I've seen some look-a-likes and a couple non-nude pics, but none that I know personally.

I agree in that. I've seen quite a few gals that I thought were very similar to gals I knew, but wasn't quite them. Almost makes me wonder at times though, about a few of them lol. Wish I had some to share, but my life isn't that exciting with the female gender right now.
Lvl 13
Still haven't seen a girl i knew ... Though i'm french, and that's probably why.

I guess it would be more prolific to try to get into girl's hotmails (or their bf's) to find photos :p
Lvl 16
2 ex girlfriends
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