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You ever known a nude girl you saw on WBW?

Starter: d81lu Posted: 13 years ago Views: 71.5K
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Lvl 4
Originally posted by Kemian_am

I've found the 18 pic set of her that's on here. If you have any more of her I would love to see them or get a link to them. I've seen a few more, but those were on her phone when she let me look at it, but I haven't been able to get any more in my possession.

which one?
Lvl 2
ive found my sister-in-law on here and one of her friends.
Lvl 5
Not on this site but I hooked up with a woman from and found out she was on as well with naked pics.
Lvl 7
Originally posted by d81lu

go ahead and show her....we will keep it secret

you into tatooed chicks? I guess i could
Lvl 7
Lvl 9
D81lu, I've only seen the 18 pics that were in a cute amateur thread, and also in the thread "stolen from her camera", it's only 18 pics, a couple of her and friend hanging out, and about a dozen of her self shooting with the cigar tube. I haven't seen any others online, but would love alink to them if they're out there. I might even be able to get her to let me have some more if she knows people really like them.
Lvl 4
Originally posted by imwhatufear

you into tatooed chicks? I guess i could

I love tattooed girls!
Lvl 4
Originally posted by Kemian_am

D81lu, I've only seen the 18 pics that were in a cute amateur thread, and also in the thread "stolen from her camera", it's only 18 pics, a couple of her and friend hanging out, and about a dozen of her self shooting with the cigar tube. I haven't seen any others online, but would love alink to them if they're out there. I might even be able to get her to let me have some more if she knows people really like them.

where can i find this thread?
Fairly certain I used to work with her.

Lvl 4
Originally posted by Sugarpie

Fairly certain I used to work with her.

[ Link ][ Link ][ Link ][ Link ]

I like those pics....i can use those later for my pleasure! lol
Lvl 17
Originally posted by Sugarpie

Fairly certain I used to work with her.

[ Link ][ Link ][ Link ][ Link ]

that is one beautiful girl
Lvl 21
Originally posted by Sugarpie

Fairly certain I used to work with her.

[ Link ][ Link ][ Link ][ Link ]

work? where? in bed? or at office?

anymore of her?
Lvl 17
DUDE! If I'd of worked with her I'm sure I'd of remembered!

Or was it one of those "I didn't recognise you with your clothes off" kinda deals?
Lvl 4
If i worked with her...I would have had a difficult time hiding my hard-on constantly
It was awhile ago, and she looks older now...almost like an older sister, except she doesn't have an older sister. I'm not 100% sure...more like 90%.
Lvl 59
So, I'm guessing she didn't have that terrible upper-arm tattoo when you knew her?

Because that'd be something I remembered.

And it's pretty gross, too.
Lvl 4
Originally posted by EricLindros

So, I'm guessing she didn't have that terrible upper-arm tattoo when you knew her?

Because that'd be something I remembered.

And it's pretty gross, too.

I love tattooed women!
Lvl 4
Here are a couple more
Lvl 29
Originally posted by Sugarpie

Fairly certain I used to work with her.

8 hours with her? I'd have to go to the bathroom and rub one out 3-4 times a day!!

Lvl 9
Originally posted by Sugarpie

Fairly certain I used to work with her.

[ Link ][ Link ][ Link ][ Link ]

she is DELICIOUS!!!!
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