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Wife is taking orders...

Starter: germanfun Posted: 12 years ago Views: 15.4K
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Lvl 11
I vote #2/B. Hot.
Lvl 6
How'd it go????
Lvl 18
All are great but my vote is for c.
Lvl 14
You should write your username on her titties or on her pussy!
So we all know shes real!
Lvl 16
I vote B!
Lvl 6
Delivery guy come yet?
Lvl 10
I would like to see her with a woman and a man being penetrated and licking pussy. She is hot as hell...thanks for sharing.
Lvl 21
I vote for A. its more natural and i know the delivery guy will not be suspicious when she accidentally flashes while reaching up high for something. Other then that beautiful wife and lucky man she is into all this.
Lvl 5
Hi guys,

as we´re a "little bit" delayed with our little show I´ll provide you a little bonus (dressed/undressed) to give us some more time...

Thanks and enjoy
Lvl 6
Originally posted by germanfun

Hi guys,

as we´re a "little bit" delayed with our little show I´ll provide you a little bonus (dressed/undressed) to give us some more time...

Thanks and enjoy

Lvl 14
Just arrived to this party and i like it!
Lvl 4
Me too....that last pic,,,,the one on the left is amazing! drool
Lvl 18
Proof her being real, and this thread may become legendary.
Lvl 7
She is so hot keep them up!!!
Lvl 59
I'd like a Spicy Chicken Sandwich, a small order of fries, a Dr. Pepper, and an order of chicken nuggets that I'll feed to my dog. Thanks.

I'm assuming that's what this thread is for. I'm really just grunching here.
Lvl 28
That sounds delicious.
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