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Who would you screw?

Starter: kewlbreeze Posted: 16 years ago Views: 4.8K
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Lvl 27
If you were stranded on a deserted island, which girl would you want to pick. You cannot pick both

Lvl 59
Number 1.

She looks, badder or more attitude-y, I think is how I would describe it.

(actually, I think "sassy" would be a better word, but I don't like that word so I refuse to use it. So there)
Lvl 14
the one that's smiling
Lvl 9
is both acceptable? at the same time?
just sayin
beggars can't be choosers
Lvl 7
#1 perkier tits
Lvl 16
I pick #2
Lvl 10
#1 she looks very hot!
Lvl 14
#2 she looks like more fun and the other one looks like high maintenance.
Lvl 21
Lvl 3
no question , #2
Lvl 12
Lvl 4
Lvl 10
I'd pick #2. She looks like the type of girl who not only would be great to have sex with, but who would also be fun to be with. Not only that, but she looks like the type who would stay around, so the companionship and the sex would continue, which would make the time being stranded not bad at all!!
Lvl 13
I couldn't decide I'd have to get them both naked and my self silly
Lvl 16
The 2nd babe really does it for me... Sweet and sexy at the same time...
Lvl 16
I't depends on the Island..

2, I think she looks less B(*^&^Y
Lvl 25
Both Every average++ goal is a hole
Yep....#2 for me as well. I can see the smile on her face now as I am plowing her field!!
Lvl 20
Definitely #2. #1 looks too pissed off. #2 has way better tits anyway and she actually looks fun unlike #1.
Lvl 18
I'd go for number 2
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