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White Wives/Girlfriends Having Fun With Black Men

Starter: frankie24 Posted: 15 years ago Views: 3.0K
Lvl 11

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Lvl 4
Great photos. Just a quick comment. I had a girlfriend in college who had the fantasy of trying black cock once.

I was all into it and she finally hooked up with a guy from one of her classes in the dorm next door.

Well, the first night she came back to my room all hot and full of his cum. Talking about how exciting it was and blah blah. Then she spent the entire weekend getting fucked over and over by his huge BBC. She wouldn't return my calls or anything.

She eventually came back, but continued to fuck this guy all semester long.

Just a warning to those who want to let their girl try.
Lvl 7
damm X...
why would these guys want to be in a room with 4 other dudes naked banging the same chick? i don't get that lol
Lvl 10
They sure have fun!!
Lvl 59
Originally posted by xavier5150

Great photos. Just a quick comment. I had a girlfriend in college who had the fantasy of trying black cock once.

I was all into it and she finally hooked up with a guy from one of her classes in the dorm next door.

Well, the first night she came back to my room all hot and full of his cum. Talking about how exciting it was and blah blah. Then she spent the entire weekend getting fucked over and over by his huge BBC. She wouldn't return my calls or anything.

She eventually came back, but continued to fuck this guy all semester long.

No, she didn't. DUCY?
Lvl 15
Great pics. Thanks for sharing. I think the black on white is very Hot.
Lvl 26
Excellent thread!!!