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We'll call her Luscious ...

Starter: uhvwonguy Posted: 13 years ago Views: 14.8K
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Lvl 6
Let me know what you think of her.. Beautiful fun girl i've been talking to via email
* This post has been modified : 13 years ago
Lvl 21
WOW, this would work out better if the pictures were JPGs. Some of those BMPs are more than 17MB in size.
Lvl 26
Please repost the pictures in JPG format as ALL pictures must be visible.
Lvl 6
help me out here how do i make them diff. i can't quite figure out exactly what im doing?
Lvl 26
Originally posted by uhvwonguy

help me out here how do i make them diff. i can't quite figure out exactly what im doing?

You need to open them in a picture editing programme and then save them as .JPG format.
Lvl 26
Like that
Lvl 26
Lvl 26
Lvl 26
I will leave this thread open until tomorrow, if you need anymore help then send me a PM
Lvl 6
Alright sorry about that i believe i've figured this whole format situation out...
Lvl 6
Good looks punnani, greatly appreciated
Lvl 6
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Lvl 6
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