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WBW's Ugliest Women Contest 2007

Starter: RogueLeader Posted: 17 years ago Views: 51.0K
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Lvl 37
OK... This is dedicated to those that rate average women "1" in the Babe Galleries and to those that reward pro pics by voting them higher than the true amateur pics. My hope is, by posting this thread, that those people realize that the posters of the pics in the Babes Galleries use some discretion in posting. Remember, it can be much, much worse!

I got this idea mainly because back the day when RD and Latino were not Crew and that Suckrates and I had this competition going of posting the ugliest girl was all the rage... In order to make sure this thread is "mod safe" I think that we need to have a few rules...

1. Amateurs ONLY... No pro pics!!!!
2. Absolutely no... and I do mean NO tubgirl-esque pics!

What do I mean by these rules? Well, I will go first. I hope WBW mods will OK this thread. It has been awhile since this type of thread has been posted, so I hope that it meets today's standards.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 37
Lvl 37
Lvl 37
Lvl 28
These kinda look like the ones I see in your uploads everyday
Lvl 12
oh sweet christ why can't i look away!
Lvl 10
Haven't been to Indiana have you?
Lvl 37
Originally posted by bisthrngrl

These kinda look like the ones I see in your uploads everyday

(trust me, you don't want me to bring out the "big guns"
Lvl 28
Originally posted by bisthrngrl

These kinda look like the ones I see in your uploads everyday
Lvl 37
Originally posted by RogueLeader


(trust me, you don't want me to bring out the "big guns"

Like this...
Lvl 37
Originally posted by RogueLeader


Like this...

Or maybe this?

Lvl 28
Actually this is one of your better ones lately
Lvl 37
Originally posted by bisthrngrl

Actually this is one of your better ones lately
[ Link ]

That one is part of a series uploaded... but since series are not uploaded into the Babe Series section anymore, you can't tell...
Lvl 28
Originally posted by RogueLeader


That one is part of a series uploaded... but since series are not uploaded into the Babe Series section anymore, you can't tell...

Actually that ONE pic could make a series
Lvl 37
Originally posted by bisthrngrl

Actually that ONE pic could make a series

Lvl 13
Originally posted by bisthrngrl

Actually that ONE pic could make a series

There's a mural on her ass!
Lvl 28
Originally posted by bisthrngrl

These kinda look like the ones I see in your uploads everyday

With the exception of that comment...()

This thread is terrible....
Lvl 37
OK... so, apparently I need to show you guys and gals how bad it can get if you are only posting amateur pics???? This could get ugly, you know.
Lvl 24
omg score

*posts her own picture*
Lvl 37
Originally posted by Honda_X


With the exception of that comment...()

This thread is terrible....

Honda's comment not withstanding... this really should be a competition... I really don't want to be the only one posting on this thread... Or are the fun WBW members all gone???
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