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two couples having a damn good time

Starter: tieoneon22 Posted: 15 years ago Views: 6.8K
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Lvl 30
Lvl 30
Lvl 30
Lvl 30
Lvl 30
Lvl 30
Lvl 19
Looks like fun...
Lvl 23
Hell yeah! What a way to spend time with your friends.
Lvl 18
oh there is 2 chicks there. At first I was only seein one.

When there's 2 chicks available and you and your buddy are DPin one girl I don't get it, it's just fuckin unnecessary to have your balls in such close proximity. Shit I can understand if you're a drunk horny college student and there's only 1 chick available who's willing. I would never even do it then but I can at least understand it.

My balls shall never meet with another man's balls for any reason, this I promised them when I was just a young boy and I shall never break this vow.
* This post has been modified : 15 years ago
Lvl 15
My balls shall never meet with another man's balls for any reason, this I promised them when I was just a young boy and I shall never break this vow.
[/reply]J Swiss that is some funny fuckin shit. Sorry for the pun.
Lvl 10
Originally posted by J-Swiss

oh there is 2 chicks there. At first I was only seein one.

When there's 2 chicks available and you and your buddy are DPin one girl I don't get it, it's just fuckin unnecessary to have your balls in such close proximity. Shit I can understand if you're a drunk horny college student and there's only 1 chick available who's willing. I would never even do it then but I can at least understand it.

My balls shall never meet with another man's balls for any reason, this I promised them when I was just a young boy and I shall never break this vow.
Balls are only meant to meet the cheeks of a girl's ass.
Lvl 8
peeeerfect !!!!!
damn nice party ! thanks
Lvl 21
lots of fun..
Lvl 26
Fantastic set.
just amazing!!!
Lvl 9
They sure are.
Lvl 6
Lvl 13
That is awesome!!!!
Lvl 6
i will agree that this is the shit, why can't people be more open like this these ladies know whats up
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