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TROTS - The Rest Of The Story

Starter: DaveWa Posted: 16 years ago Views: 2.5K
Lvl 11
"The Rest Of The Story" is Paul Harvey's tag line. Paul Harvey is a radio broadcaster who tells a story that everyone knows, and then he gives you the background behind the story. I'm not exactly a fan, but I thought it would work well for this thread.

There are pictures that we've all seen, but many have only seen the one or two pictures of a particular girl. Once in a while I'll run into a series of pictures, one of which I recognize as one which just about everyone has seen. So I display the ones that everyone knows, maybe a couple other attractive ones, and then link in the gallery.

I hope you like this thread, please also see my previous TROTS thread.
Lvl 11
First up is this brunette with a killer body, and of course fantastic tits. This picture is pretty well known, has been around the world more times than she has I bet.

Lvl 11
Not sure if this is the actual picture that everyone has seen of her with her jeans on, knees up, and legs spread, but this one is indicative of the one of which I'm thinking.

Lvl 11
This is the complementary picture to the one with her jeans on. Nice little tuft of hair, huh?

Lvl 11
I added this one because I thought it was a pretty picture of her.

And now on with the gallery shots.
Lvl 8
eagerly awaiting this hottie!!
Lvl 28
Girls with the trots? eew.
Lvl 11

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Lvl 22
Was worth the wait!!! thanks man!!!!
Lvl 7
nice post...thanks!
Lvl 5
this is a GREAT idea! thanks!