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Time to shower.

Starter: slippery-donkey Posted: 16 years ago Views: 5.7K
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Lvl 27
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Lvl 12
way to skinny for my taste, but she has awesome nipples.
Lvl 17
Too skinny??? She looks absolutely beautiful and solidly built... Damn, very hot...
Lvl 8
holy shit heaven on earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lvl 11
great! do you have more of her?! please post, if possible - love her!
Originally posted by deathbyboredom

way to skinny for my taste, but she has awesome nipples.

As the saying goes, "you can never be too rich or too thin" (you can, however, be too clueless to recognize feminine beauty and too fat to consider normal to be normal).
Lvl 3
Donkey, I've always enjoyed your posts, but this time you've outdone yourself! Any more of this Goddess?
Lvl 12
Originally posted by Intro-mission


As the saying goes, "you can never be too rich or too thin" (you can, however, be too clueless to recognize feminine beauty and too fat to consider normal to be normal).
way to put words in my mouth. check my post again all of you. you will not find one place
where i stated that she was ugly, i stated she was to skinny for me. if you refer back to reading
comprehension that you, hopefully, learned in school you will understand exactly what i posted.
Lvl 25
Awesome perfect 10+
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