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Thick ...... not fat

Starter: jennysamples Posted: 13 years ago Views: 30.7K
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Lvl 6

Thick or Thin??

  • Thick

    73.35% (289)

  • Thin

    26.65% (105)

Votes: 394
Thick but tight girls. No fatties!!!
Lvl 6
Lvl 21
2nd & 6th do it for me, big-time!
Lvl 13
absolutely spot on. Love the thick, muscular women
Lvl 6
Lvl 6
Post #5, girl #4 - omfg!
Lvl 24
post 1 looks fun,post 2 looks even better,especially the girl posing in the bath room,what apair of tits,and the two girls wearing stockings in 5 are hot but the slightly larger bums girls dont cut it with me,but they are still attractive horny looking ladys
Lvl 24
oh hang on, had'nt actually seen post 6,would,nt say no to any of them little honeys,the one with cum all over her tits is awesome
Lvl 6
Lvl 21
Some of these women are edging a little on the big side for my taste (the last seven pics on post #5). But, there is nothing wrong with a thick woman with a good shape.
Lvl 6
Originally posted by Urlacher54

Some of these women are edging a little on the big side for my taste (the last seven pics on post #5). But, there is nothing wrong with a thick woman with a good shape.

Yeah I hear you...thats as big as it will get on this post. Just such a nice tush!!
Lvl 6
Lvl 6
Lvl 7
I love them all! Love thick girls! Thanks alot for the post!
Lvl 21
great girls..
Lvl 29
great pics of beautiful women, thank you
Lvl 24
Yes, yes, yes. In fact I've been thinking of a similar theme. Wonderful stuff. 5 stars!
Lvl 6
Most all of them are attractive, some of the last ones I would just consider fat, but I guess it is a good thing we all don't like the same thing, yall can fight over these and send the thin girls to me
Lvl 24
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