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The Trifecta of drunk college girls

Starter: davethedope Posted: 14 years ago Views: 9.8K
Lvl 9

Drifter007 finds this awesome.
Lvl 9

Drifter007 finds this awesome.
Lvl 27
I Miss College,Hot Babes!
Lvl 59
Come on ladies, Coors Light?


Why not just drink stale water?
Lvl 22
I saw a 'Trifecta once' it didn't look anything like this!

5 ***** Thanks
Lvl 21
yea coors is garbage
Lvl 14
That's Miller High Light...but who cares as long as they are participating in this sport.
Lvl 7
Thanks, Davethedope!
Lvl 13
I love drunk college girls.
Lvl 17
A pile I wouldn't mind being in the midst of
Lvl 59
Originally posted by smack

That's Miller High Light...but who cares as long as they are participating in this sport.

The girl is holding one can of Miller High Life Lite, but that's not what I was talking about. Look at the table.

* This post has been modified : 14 years ago
Lvl 18
Originally posted by EricLindros

Come on ladies, Coors Light?


Why not just drink stale water?

Personally I would never buy Coors but if I went to someone house and had a choice between Bud, Michelob, Miller or Coors brands I'd go Coors over the other 3. There's very few American brand beers I like. With the exception of a few varieties that Sam Adams makes I mostly drink imported stuff.
* This post has been modified : 14 years ago
Lvl 59
All my buddies used to get Miller Lite, so I got used to that. Sure, it's like drinking cold urine, but Coors was worse, Bud products are terribad, and Michelob is for dudes who want to pick up other dudes at the bar.

But yeah, they're all bad, unless you get a local/microbrew or something.

Yeungling Larger, FTW.
Great pics- thanks.
Lvl 3
That is one lucky dog.
Lvl 29
That;s it???