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The Hottest Brunette I have ever collected

Starter: RogueLeader Posted: 16 years ago Views: 4.5K
Lvl 37
In my hunting, I must admit this is the hottest girl I have ever seen and collected pics of... I have posted the links in my Pic Extravaganza... But I thought she deserved a thread of her own... I hope you agree! Enjoy!

Lvl 37
Lvl 37
Lvl 37
Lvl 37
Lvl 37
Lvl 8
she is really hott... i love white tattoos on tan bodies!
Lvl 12
awesome from head to toe . thanks.
Lvl 3
Can u make a Rar with all pics?

Thx GreetZ
Lvl 18
are you serious? she's HOTTEST EVER? Don't get me wrong, she's slightly cute but I wouldn't put her in the top 500 girls I've seen on this site. She's a lil chubby, her stomach is strangely round. Her face isn't anything to write home about her ass is average and her tits...I've got nothin against small ones but when your stomach is round like that you've gotta have somethin better upstairs to distract from it, they're just not proportionate to her stomach.
Lvl 37
Reread the title, dude! It's the hottest brunette I have ever collected! NOT the hottest I have ever SEEN! And anyway, anyway, any chick that can wield a claymore like her is hot in my book! Oh, and while you entitled to your opinion, I disagree with everything you just just said... I would her in a heartbeat!
Lvl 37
Lvl 16
I would her also. But she is still average
Lvl 4
I've seen surfboards with more curves than this chick. But I gotta say, to each one their own flavor.
Lvl 13
i'm with swiss407 on this one.. she's nttn special. i've seen much better on this site. it's her face that turns me off. kinda ugly actually, but worth posting nonetheless, thanks
Lvl 18
I hate to even comment, but she is average if you compare her to the best on this site. Now, If you ask if I would hit it? IN A NEW YORK HEART BEAT! With that said it just shows how HOT some girls are here on WBW!